Category: Fibromyalgia Pain 0

What does Fibro Fog feel like in Fibromyalgia?

Like you have the flu constantly. Affecting your concentration and memory. And the pain itself is very distracting and tiring. Generally just feeling physically tired all the time. Sometimes worse than others. Numerous fibromyalgia... 0

Is Central Sensitization the same as Fibromyalgia?

Let’s remember that despite all of our great science, we don’t fully understand either central sensitization or fibromyalgia. So the question is cute but unanswerable. Central sensitization means that there is altered processing of...


Why is it that every sufferer that I’ve met that has fibromyalgia also has a controlling personality or bipolar problem, including me?

Multiple doctors have told me I very likely have fibromyalgia (but my mother never took me to a rheumatologist), and I would say that I only am controlling to protect myself from being harmed… ... 0

Fibromyalgia pain is getting worse why can’t I get pain meds when I go to the ER?

As a Nurse Practitioner, patients presenting with chronic pain problems to the ER are problematic. During this so-called opioid epidemic, guidelines were put in place for patients seeking narcotics. Also urgent care facilities. It... 0

What are ways to ease discomfort from Fibromyalgia while Pregnant?

I’ve had two difficult pregnancies. Two boys were born healthy This is going to sound awful. It hurts just to say it. It’s the silver bullet, though, against fibromyalgia. Exercise. Don’t stop reading yet.... 0

What is the best way to battle daily with Fibromyalgia Nerve and Muscle Pain?

The best way is to accept it and moderate it in a moment-by-moment exercise. The stress of the “fight” will only make the pain worse for most with fibro. My new normal is that...