Tagged: fibromyalgia relief

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How do I make my husband see, that his lack of belief and support in my Fibromyalgia Condition is damaging to our relationship?

There’s only one thing you can do: educate, educate, and educate. Show him websites about it, tell him about it, explain to him how it influences your life. There’s only one thing you can...

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How do you get through the horrible aches and pains from Fibromyalgia without prescription pain meds?

I realize that Fibromyalgiadoesn’t affect everyone the same way. I don’t think I suffer as much as some people do. Having said that, there are things that I have done that make it better....

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In my Experience, Fibromyalgia Pain Can Happen in any Part of your Body.

I’ve had it for about 29 years now. In a word—-Pain. Never-ending, constant pain. Your shoulder will suddenly start to hurt, which can last for a few seconds to days. That can happen in...

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The Holding foods for fibromyalgia

By: Dr Alexa James Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes muscle, joint and tiredness and depression pain. There are certain therapies that your doctor can order, but fibromyalgia consumption foods can help you to...