I was Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia Approximately 1 month After Got Well

Fibromyalgia is a nightmare. I have had it for approximately 25 years. My GP, at a time when it was at its worst, gave me Tramadol. It was a miracle drug for me, but it is very difficult to come off of, so I stopped taking it.

I finally went to a doctor for emotional issues and he recommended Cymbalta. It worked immediately to lessen my pain. I also take Wellbutrin. Between the two I am very functional.

Everything that has been said here is 100% true. I walked around for years unable to enjoy anything in life. Everything hurt constantly. Clothes were horrible to put on and then wear all day.

At home, I put on the loosest pair of pants and shirt I could find and just tried to sleep. I think the foggy brain was the worst of it. I just wanted to be laying on my bed all the time. Sometimes I even would sleep on the living room floor. For some reason it made me feel better.

Anyone who has never had this condition can never know how dreadful it can be. I worry constantly that my daughter is developing it. She has many of the same physical symptoms I had in the beginning.

I firmly believe that it began after I had a serious bout of the flu. The flu attacks your muscles. I couldn’t move for one week. I developed fibro approximately 1 month after I got well.

Anyway, I am now 69 years old and more functional than I was at 50, but I totally empathize with everyone here. It’s a horror that I wouldn’t want anyone to develop. My recommendation to everyone is to see if their doctor will give them Cymbalta if they can take it. It’s worth a try.

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