Tagged: fibromyalgia conditions

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Is someone close to you have Fibromyalgia and how has it impacted their lives?

I have had fibromyalgia for 14 years now. It has a permanent effect on my cognitive attention, memory, focus, and movements. I struggle almost every day to do simple things as I get exhausted...

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How do I make my husband see, that his lack of belief and support in my Fibromyalgia Condition is damaging to our relationship?

There’s only one thing you can do: educate, educate, and educate. Show him websites about it, tell him about it, explain to him how it influences your life. There’s only one thing you can...

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If you have Fibromyalgia, do you remember having been ill with some manner of the virus within a few weeks of developing Fibro?

I have Fibromyalgia. My father drank heavily in the 1960s and both my parents smoked tobacco when I was conceived. As a child, I frequently had strep throat, bronchitis, and even pneumonia. Even at...

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How do you get through the horrible aches and pains from Fibromyalgia without prescription pain meds?

I realize that Fibromyalgiadoesn’t affect everyone the same way. I don’t think I suffer as much as some people do. Having said that, there are things that I have done that make it better....

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What would you advise to someone who is young and has Fibromyalgia?

Bless your heart! I would say to you to get a notebook dedicated to writing down everything you eat and how you are feeling every day. Write down your pain levels and fatigue levels...

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Fibromyalgia is a Painful Condition that is very Real to the Suffering Patients

The pain of fibromyalgia is real and the patients need help. The most frustrating element for fibromyalgia patients is that some healthcare providers think it is a “fad disease” and that erodes the doctor-patient...

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Fibromyalgia makes me Exhausting, Frustrating, Difficult, Painful, Embarrassing and Limiting

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1992, long before it was trendy and before many physicians even acknowledged it as a true medical condition. I was 16 and couldn’t understand how people could play...