We have embodied beings. All of us. But what then is distinct about the lived experience of pain? What is it like to have your life and choices filtered by…
Chronic muscular pain may be linked to a previously unknown principle for how pain signals are transmitted in the human body. This is shown by Umeå University researchers Tuija Athanassiadis…
Immediate treatment by a physiotherapist, bypassing a waiting list, can reduce problems with recurring low back pain, reveals a thesis from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Many people suffer from…
You probably are asking right now, "What's the heck of myofascial release?" Yeah, it's like massage, but it doesn't really feel like massage. Myofascial release (MFR) is a bodywork that…
Exercise can be too much for people with autoimmune, Lyme and other chronic diseases, fibromyalgia and fatigue disorders, though. Out of my own practice, I know that. You can see…
In the hope of finding something that works better and provides relief, I constantly tweak my treatment protocol for fibromyalgia and chronic Lyme. I just added a couple of new…
The doctor may have checked Lyme disease, a bacterial infection often spread by ticks, before you are diagnosed with fibromyalgia. When you received a negative result, he or she probably…
My current Lyme / Fibromyalgia pharmacist was just starting to work. Under his care, I have made marvelous progress. He's by no means the best physician I ever saw. Yes,…