Category: Lyme


How Communities Are Helping Women and Families Fight the Opioid Crisis?

Whether you live in a bustling metropolis or a quiet rural area, chances are you’ve been touched by the opioid epidemic in some way—or you will be. While many people can safely use prescription... 0

Questions to Ask Before and After Surgery

Why Does Communication Matter to Doctors and Patients Before and After Surgery? Hospitalization and surgery are demanding life events that lead to considerable stress and anxiety in patients. The fear of the “unknown” is... 0

Turning a Moment of Change Into Transformational Momentum for Chronic Pain Management

This is an amazing time to be a woman in our country. In the past six months alone we’ve had women at the helm of three network morning shows, we’ve had a record number... 0

Why Women Need a Personalized Approach to Chronic Pain Management?

When it comes to chronic pain management, no one therapy has all the answers. Instead, chronic pain management needs to take individual differences into account and ensure an adequate and unbiased response to treatment....