Category: Fibromyalgia


Is Fibromyalgia Keeping You Awake At Night?

Sleep disturbance is often listed among the symptoms of fibromyalgia sufferers. Although the connection has not been proven, evidence suggests that it is highly likely that the link between sleep and pain is strong....


5 Top Fibromyalgia Blogs

Suffering from fibromyalgia can be an isolating experience but, if you do suffer from the illness, it’s important to remember that you are in very good company. The internet is full of helpful websites (including...


How Swimming Can Ease Your Fibromyalgia

In previous blogs, we have explored how gentle exercise may help to improve fibromyalgia symptoms.  Studies have shown that low-impact and non-weight-bearing aerobic exercises (such as walking, swimming, and cycling) can help to build... 0

Did your chronic illness insist that you spend your vacation in bed?

Before fibromyalgia, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and other chronic illness took over my body, I would return home from a vacation feeling relaxed or energized. At first, my illnesses would require a little more rest...