Turmeric Supplement is Wall Against Fibromyalgia and Other Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

By: Dr Alex Robber

Turmeric is a light-yellow spice which is often found in mixtures of curry-spice. The root of ginger is common in Indian, Thai, Maroccan and traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic cuisine for a long time now.

Understanding the Healthy Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric includes a substance called curcumin that study indicates may have several health advantages because b that can relieve fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. However, no studies have previously examined these circumstances specifically.

While we do research turmeric / curcumin, further studies must be undertaken to identify precisely what it can do for us. It is thought that the spice is a:

  • Turmeric is an Antioxidant
  • Turmeric is an Anti-inflammatory
  • Turmeric is an Anti-viral
  • Turmeric is a Digestive aid
  • Turmeric is a Topical antiseptic

Understanding Turmeric Support Against

  • Turmeric Support Against Arthritis
  • Turmeric Support Against Cancer, to prevent the spread of tumors
  • Turmeric Protecting Against liver damage
  • Turmeric Reducing Breast cancer risk in menopausal women using hormone replacement therapy
  • Turmeric Support Against Cognitive dysfunction
  • Turmeric Support Against Eczema
  • Turmeric Support Against Gallbladder function
  • Turmeric Support Pain relief
  • Turmeric Protecting Against Alzheimer’s disease, when paired with vitamin D
  • Turmeric Reducing the Risk of type-2 diabetes
  • Turmeric Support Against Heartburn
  • Turmeric Support Against High cholesterol
  • Turmeric Support Against Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Turmeric Support Against Kidney stones

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Understanding the Dosage of Turmeric/Curcumin

Typical curcumin dose is between 450 and 3 grams daily, if taken as a supplement. Research has not established optimal doses for applications.

Turmeric may also be brought into a tea for 15 minutes, twice a day, by steeping 1-1,5 grams of the dried root.

Understanding Turmeric/Curcumin in Your Diet

Curcumin is relatively easy to add to your diet via turmeric. A therapeutic dosage can however be hard to obtain by diet alone.

However the average nutritional consumption is estimated at 60 to 200 milligrams a day in India, where turmeric is used for many traditional ingredients. The therapeutic dosage is much smaller.

Understanding the Side Effects of Turmeric/Curcumin

Research found to have some side effects of turmeric/curcumin, including:

  • Turmeric can Upset stomach
  • Turmeric produce Heartburn
  • Turmeric cause Nausea
  • Turmeric cause Diarrhea
  • Turmeric Increased risk of bleeding
  • Turmeric can Hair loss (in animal studies)
  • Turmeric lowered blood pressure (in animal studies)
  • Turmeric can Increased risk of kidney stones in people prone to them
  • Turmeric’s safety hasn’t been established for children.

When taking turmeric during pregnancy it may stimulate the uterus and lead to menstrual bleeding.

Whenever you consider a fresh supplement, please talk to your physician and pharmacy to make sure no risky interactions or other issues are created.

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