Tagged: fibromyalgia treatment

Heartbreaking letter from a Bristol woman who suffers from debilitating disease fibromyalgia 0

Heartbreaking letter from a Bristol woman who suffers from debilitating disease fibromyalgia

What happens when your life starts to unravel? For 23-year-old Peyton Connor, that happened last May when she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The long-term chronic condition can cause increased sensitivity to pain, extreme fatigue,...

Weekly dose: Lyrica, the epilepsy drug that treats chronic nerve pain 0

Weekly dose: Lyrica, the epilepsy drug that treats chronic nerve pain

Lyrica is the brand name for a prescription medicine called pregabalin. Although it is an anticonvulsant or an anti-epileptic drug, pregabalin is commonly prescribed to alleviate nerve or neuropathic pain – a type of pain caused by...

Music Therapy can Reduce Fibromyalgia Pain 0

Music Therapy can Reduce Fibromyalgia Pain

In fibromyalgia patients, music therapy can reduce pain, depression, anxiety, and improve sleep. The findings come from researchers at the University of Granada who found that music therapy combined with relaxation techniques can help improve many areas in the lives of...

Best Mattress for Fibromyalgia Patients 0

Best Mattress for Fibromyalgia Patients

A low-quality sleep is a major issue cited by people with fibromyalgia. And, unfortunately, there are many factors that could be contributing to this, including your bed itself. Sleep is hugely important for everyone,...

Select Gabapentin Raises Risk of Opioid Overdose Gabapentin Raises Risk of Opioid Overdose 0

Gabapentin Raises Risk of Opioid Overdose

Another study is raising questions about the safety of the anti-seizure drug gabapentin, especially when it’s taken with opioid pain medication. According to research published online in PLOS Medicine, combining gabapentin with opioid painkillers is...

Fibromyalgia Treatment Diet Plan Patients Must Know To Get Relief Of Pain 0

Fibromyalgia Treatment Diet Plan Patients Must Know To Get Relief Of Pain

Fibromyalgia Treatment Alcohol Fibromyalgia Treatment: it’s time to bid adieu to alcohol. Well, not entirely. An occasional beer or wine indulgence isn’t a bad thing. Excessive alcohol consumption, though, is never good for anybody. Sugar is...

Jeff Sessions Says People Should ‘Tough It Out’ and Take Aspirin Instead of Opioids 0

Jeff Sessions Says People Should ‘Tough It Out’ and Take Aspirin Instead of Opioids

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently shared his idea for solving the opioid crisis: aspirin, sleep, and less marijuana. Speaking at an event in Tampa on Tuesday to celebrate Ronald Regan’s birthday, Sessions said...

Exploring Ways To Treat Pain Without Addiction As U.S. Opioid Crisis Worsens 0

Exploring Ways To Treat Pain Without Addiction As U.S. Opioid Crisis Worsens

Addiction to opioids often begins in the doctor’s office. These drugs are typically the only option to manage pain after an operation or in patients with serious injuries. They’re also frequently prescribed to patients...

Which Type of Kratom is Good for Sleep and Fibromyalgia? 0

Which Type of Kratom is Good for Sleep and Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a condition known as the widespread and state with debilitating pain. It results in a negative impact on an individual’s energy levels along with adverse effects on comfortable sleep. It is easy...

https://chronicillness.co/ 0

Chronic pain patients need services beyond just opioids: B.C. advocate

People who live with chronic pain need options beyond prescription opioids, and it’s up to the British Columbia government to provide more services such as physiotherapy, says the head of a group that supports...