Category: Fibromyalgia Treatments


How Fibromyalgia Suffer can start Strength Training?

Exercise helps break the chronic pain cycle associated with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) by improving fitness and functional levels, relieving physical and emotional stress, and boosting one’s confidence and self-esteem. While you probably have heard...


Fibromyalgia Couples make Good Communication Difficult due to their Illness

Improving Communication The stresses brought by serious illness can make good communication difficult. To complicate matters, CFS and FM create the additional challenge of cognitive problems. Here are seven ideas for how to improve... 1

Best Books on Fibromyalgia and Other Resources

Fibromyalgia is complex. If you live with fibro, you know that it’s not as easy as taking a “pill” or any other quick fix and just getting on with your life. Living smarter is...


Fibromyalgia Nutrition: Blending and Juicing

Fibromyalgia nutrition is enhanced by both Juicing and Blending; but, the two are different and both serve their specific purpose in assimilation of essential nutrients.  Juicing facilitates fibromyalgia nutrition more quickly into cells, and is...


Fibromyalgia Research: Cancer Study Provides Hope for Fibromyalgia Victims

I have spent years (and much pain) in “trial and error” fibromyalgia research to develop the elements of the protocol I have presented here on my website. Fibro is such a complex syndrome that...