Category: Fibromyalgia Protocol 0

If You Support Fibromyalgia Awareness, You Should Have These Things

Fibromyalgia is one of the most common types of chronic pain disorders. It is estimated that more than 5 million people in the United States have fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is destroying more and more lives each day. There is not...


Bad Habits That Can lead to Fibromyalgia

Millions of people get affected by this disease in the USA annually. Although it is not a well-known syndrome and its diagnosis can be very difficult, Fibromyalgia is a very painful and serious problem....

Usage of Fibromyalgia Scales 0

Usage of Fibromyalgia Scales

One of the biggest challenges that fibromyalgia faces are the difficulty of diagnosing it in the first place. There does has been a long history of generating skepticism and the tendency to think it’s...

Fibromyalgia and The Affordable Care Act 0

Fibromyalgia and The Affordable Care Act

People with fibromyalgia and other disorders of chronic fatigue must consider their insurance or lack as the Affordable Care Act is in effect now. Under this act insurance companies must have to accept any...

12 Steps of Natural Heal for Fibromyalgia 0

12 Steps of Natural Heal for Fibromyalgia

Most people affected by fibromyalgia are trying to find alternative remedies to cure the disorder then the pharmaceutical medications. There are documented several ways that helped people to deal with their conditions of fibromyalgia...