It’s not uncommon for the effects of fibromyalgia pain medications to wane over time. But what can you do about it? Here are seven different treatment options to explore. If…
It is rather common for patients to complain of suffering chronic fatigue along with all the pain of fibromyalgia, but it seems to me that too often perhaps doctor and patient neglect to…
Have you come to hate talking on the telephone since you've had fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome? It's a common thing with people frequently saying they have an especially hard time focusing on…
In a recent study entitled “Fibromyalgia and Nondipper Circadian Blood Pressure Variability” a research team reports that female fibromyalgia patients are a risk group for “non-dipping blood pressure,” a phenomenon associated with an…
Despite the instant negative reaction to the thought of the Herpes virus and the association with sexually transmitted disease, there are a number of different Herpes viruses, including those responsible…
Cannabis topicals are providing significant relief to Fibromyalgia patients across the continent. Cannabis topicals can be used to treat Fibromyalgia pain, like tender points and muscle stiffness, but how? Fibromyalgia affects…
Cannabis-infused sports creams claim to offer muscle relief. We spoke to experts to see if they're worth a shot. Chances are you're no stranger to muscle aches. Well, what if we…
For decades, since fibromyalgia disproportionately affected women, those who suffered from its often debilitating effects were often labeled as “hysterical women.” Many doctors would not even acknowledge that it was…
The prevalence of fibromyalgia (FM) may increase with age, according to results obtained in a study with Turkish patients. The study shows that elderly adults with fibromyalgia experience poor quality…
A recent clinical study looked at the effects of topical magnesium on forty female patients who had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. We’ve covered a lot of topics on this website…