What are some ways to soothe bad fibromyalgia flare-ups before bed?

I always find it helpful to soak in a hot Epsom salt bath (the calm scent one or relax one), it helps the aching body as the water cools stay as long as you can handle it and then pat dry do not rinse.

There are periods when I’m cold and can’t warm up a hot bath or shower…. Then there are periods I’m hot and can’t cool down- yep as cold of a shower as I can stand.

I also put on calm music to relax me.

I do not like taking a lot of medication so I try not to take much at all but in the past a small 5 mg of Flexeril before bed when my muscles won’t stop spasming. I say in the past because it’s been over 4 months since I’ve taken one.

I have recently started a small dose of CBD oil at bedtime and have found great relief. The pain that is left is from my arthritis and that is soothed through a CBD cream, neither of the products has THC in it. Since I began taking it at bedtime, I’m asleep within 30 min and I sleep through the night, waking rested and ready to face the day. I have been able to sweep, mop, and vacuum my house in one day versus having to spread it out over 4 days…

My skin doesn’t hurt to touch anymore so my husband has been able to hug me and hold me more, which is a great thing. I feel greater than I have in years.

Make yourself a nightly routine and do it every night at the same time, oh and sometimes I drink hot tea before bed.

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