What is the Link Between Psoriasis vs. Lupus?

Understanding Psoriasis vs. Lupus

Lupus and psoriasis are chronic conditions with some major similarities and differences. Of example, psoriasis is significantly higher than lupus. Worldwide, psoriasis affects about 125 million people, and some form of lupus affects about 5 million people worldwide.

Understanding Immune System Role

The body will make antibodies when you have a healthy immune system, and you are injured or sick. Antibodies are strong proteins that help you to cure. The antibodies are targeted against germs, bacteria, viruses and other alien agents.

Therefore if you have an auto-immune disease, for example lupus or psoriasis, the body produces auto-antibodies will attack healthy tissue mistakenly.

Autoantibodies can cause skin rashes and sore articulations in the case of lupus. Psoriasis is mainly known for the swollen, dead plaque on the skin which mostly occurs on:

  • scalp
  • knees
  • elbows
  • back

Understanding Lupus and Psoriasis Symptoms

Lupus can have more serious complications because if you find signs of lupus or psoriasis on your skin or in your joints. So you also can attack healthy organs with auto-antibodies when you have lupus.

However in some cases, this may result for hospitalization. Because lupus can be even a condition that threatens life.

Common symptoms of lupus include:

  • fever
  • fatigue
  • swollen joints
  • hair loss
  • facial rash
  • chest discomfort
  • finger color changed get cold.

Common symptoms of psoriasis include:

  • red patches of skin
  • dry, cracked skin
  • itching
  • burning
  • swollen and stiff joints

Therefore rashes associated with psoriasis can appear anywhere on your body, and they tend to be covered in silvery scales. Because psoriasis rashes are often itchy, while rashes from lupus typically aren’t.

However lupus and psoriasis can both flare up, often unexpectedly. So you can have lupus or psoriasis but go through long periods where you experience no noticeable symptoms. Because flareups are usually caused by specific triggers.

Therefore stress is a common trigger for both psoriasis and lupus. Because stress management techniques are worth learning if you have either condition.

Understanding Psoriasis and Lupus Risk

Therefore psoriasis can affect any person, however, between 15 and 25 years of age are the most common. Above all in the 30s and 40s, psoriatic arthritis usually develops.

So the cause of psoriasis is not entirely understood, but a strong genetic link appears to exist. Therefore you are more likely to develop a relative with psoriasis.

So also, why people get lupus isn’t clear. Because women are at much greater risk of lupus during their teens through the age of 40 than anyone else. However there is also a higher risk of developing lupus for Latino, African-American and Asian people.

Because it is important to note that lupus can occur in both men and women, and it can be experienced by people of all ages.

Understanding Lupus and Psoriasis Treatments

However there are only a few medications for lupus. So these include:

  • corticosteroids
  • antimalarial medications
  • monoclonal antibody

Therefore corticosteroids are also treated for psoriasis. Because these are usually in topical psoriasis shape. However there are many therapies for psoriasis, including phototherapy, systemic medications and biologic medications, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Topical retinoids for treating acne are often used for the treatment of psoriasis.

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