Sleep Problems Associated With Fibromyalgia

By: Dr Alex Robber

The sufferers of fibromyalgia must go through a lot of things every day. One of the primary problems facing patients with fibromyalgia is that they are highly vulnerable to the setting around them. Sensory disability is called this type of extreme sensitivity. Usually it influences our five main senses such as sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Here are popular sensitivity examples:

  • Poor vision
  • Poor hearing
  • Strong lights or high-pitched voices immune
  • Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)  
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

A Blind Person must have a sleep disorder because they cannot synchronize themselves because they do not have a Light Perception. A normal person understands day and night time and synchronizes his body according to this, but this facility is not available to a blind individual, so they end up out of sync from their circadian clock. Blind Person Sleep time can vary from day to day.

People have hearing impairment, because of a case, either they are born deaf or they may lose hearing over time. People with hearing impairment do not generally fall asleep because they are called tinnitus ringing in their ears. This ringing feels like a bell or a frequency of RF while nothing is happening around them.

Approximately 70% of people are unable to sleep due to autism spectrum disorder, usually due to insomnia. Also associated with ASD is depression and fatigue, which creates sleep problems. Snoring, sleep apnea, and bedwetting issues are also more probable for children with ASD.

People are generally more sensitive to autism spectrum disorder. They are easier to get irritated by Strong Lights or High-Pitched Voices or even touch their body with light. With such sensory disabilities, you can imagine how hard it is for an individual to sleep.

Sleep Advice for Individuals with Sensory Disabilities

Consulting a doctor is the first and most efficient. Doctors get these instances on a weekly basis and they can suggest a solution that is most productive. On the other side, some sleeping pills may also be used, but I generally do not suggest medication.

Sleep is a scary thing to do for impaired hearing people because they cannot communicate with the outside world if their eyes are closed. Many people feel comfortable sleeping while the room has a little light. Try to use a light in the room or use a warm light or night lights.

Similarly, in a dark space, children with sensory disabilities feel afraid. Try to use some light or colorful imagery to decorate the space. Wall painting or imaging can generate a more productive sleeping atmosphere.

  • Paint the dark color of your bedroom.
  • Use shades of blackout to minimize the room’s light.
  • Most individuals in the space prefer light. Use a soft freshener scent or space.
  • Have some animal stuffed to cuddle with for kids at night. Favorite blanket or stuffed animal kids could also be used to build a more viable atmosphere.
  • For better sleep, weighted blankets could be used.
  • Could use Bed Tent as a sleeping cue.
  • Diet plays a major factor in your sleep as well. You can eat food that stimulates your body or use a dietary supplement such as melatonin. In children’s cases, you can use bright light therapy to expose your child during the day to bright light.
  • Leave your electronic equipment such as mobile or TV to better boost your body before heading to sleep. Electronic device has rays that keep you wide awake. Stay Healthizes!

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