My Fibromyalgia Tale: A Story of the Past Two Years

We begin this Fibro Tale two years ago this month…

Looking back to the beginning of my fibro tale. I don’t believe pharmacy was necessarily the wrong choice for me at the time.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last two years it’s that no two single Fibrotales are exactly the same. No two sets of triggers are exactly the same.

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Every single one of us has a different Fibro tale to tell.

I had tumbled a little too far into the abyss and was dangling by a thread above the danger zone. So, I decided on the shortcut, quicker results to bring me back from the brink, both physically and mentally.

For this reason, I filled the first prescription. Which turned out to be the first of many more to come.  As one might expect given the circumstances, I needed to get “a little bit well” to tackle life head-on again. So, I decided I would deal with the consequences later.

I don’t regret my choice otherwise, I believe without medicine and the support of my amazing Doctor I might not be here today sharing my FibroTale with you.

After overcoming some uhhhhh shall we call them setbacks? A few months ago I finally decided it was time to start putting some of what I’ve learned about the many faces of my fibromyalgia to use. Now that the urgent stuff had been taken care of, time to try some new things.

I have decided to test the waters at decreasing the number of medications I am taking and to introduce some non-pharmaceutical healing “practices” into my life.

Why? I have finally reached acceptance. Two years into the fibro tale that is now my life, I am at last ready to meet the new me.

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