The chronic pain of such a hot button is pain relief, pain medication, and the treatment of pain. People believe that people who are suffering from chronic pain or seek pain medicines can not go beyond the truth. Individuals with chronic pain and chronic pain seek one thing alone, pain relief or pain control. Unfortunately, many pain conditions are widely misunderstood, especially fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia, therapy and management of this condition are very little understood. In some instances, fibromyalgia is the most painful misunderstanding and how to handle it in all aspects, especially the pain.
We suffer from other conditions that also cause pain for most people with fibromyalgia. Autoimmune conditions, arthritis, degenerative disk conditions, spinal problems, etc. On top of fibromyalgia, all of these conditions cause pain, daily pain, relentless pain, uncontroverted pain! So, what do we want from life, pain management and pain management, but above all, understanding of our pain! So why can’t we get so desperately needed pain relief???
The best solution is, right now, the current epidemic of opioids. I’m not here to begin a discussion about this but simply to debate how it has an impact on people like us. People like me who suffer every day, people who want to have better than bad days, people who want to have a sharp edge removed from what we feel every day. First and foremost, we are trying to find a little relief for people suffering from chronic pain and pain. When we tell an average person that they will have pain from now on every single day, not just headache or joint pain.
Pain which will continually disrupt their lives, pain that makes it nearly impossible to perform “daily” tasks, pain which makes good sleep difficult, pain that makes it impossible to work, pain in your social life, pain in your family, your day-to-day life, pain that makes life easier to enjoy, well, impossible! Well, I don’t think masses would be silent if we told the average person that this is their life from now on!
Those of us who suffer the way we do want nothing but hope and a little relief. Some people could “work the system” to get pain medications, therefore there is abuse of pain medicines, pain med addiction and opioid drugs. Unfortunately, some of those suffering from addiction and abuse simply sought treatment for pain. The healthcare system was left rolling due to these problems!
The sufferers left unfortunately are the ones who benefit from pain medicinal products and need them for a life that is somewhat’ tolerable.’ This is so wide-ranging topic that you will try in one article to address so many avenues and a controversial subject. But rest assured, chronically painful people want to listen, we want a voice, we want to say a saying, we want a choice. And the headline on local news speaks of excessive deaths as I write this. We fight to make our voices heard, no wonder!
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Now please understand that I don’t want to promote the use of pain medicines in an unnecessary way, nor do I try to normalize the use of pain medicines. I hope that there will be more options. More options for pain alleviation that will ultimately make pain patients feel like a ‘ drug seeker. ‘
A handful of medicines can be used to treat pain related to fibromyalgia that cannot be discarded, although many individuals with fibromyalgia can also be diagnosed with a slew of additional pain and fibromyalgia, and some of the treatments for fibromyalgia do not exist where our options and access to appropriate pain management are very limited. And some of us have serious reactions to the drugs that are out there, or they just do not work for us.
We want a treatment plan to help relieve some of our pain, medication, therapy. Many of us have taken the path of uncertainty and unsuccessful treatment. Medicines and therapies work for everyone differently, I’ve spoken it over and over, and what works for one person can not work for another. The side effects of one person are very different from the effects of another. Nobody has the same body chemistry as anybody else. It is difficult to treat pain that what works for one person, can work for another or cannot, does not all people react to a certain medication or treatment in the same way.
It is a way of hope that we have to find. Hopeful and hopeful abundant, the “alternative” therapies will improve and broaden our options for relief from pain. It is hoped that we will not feel like a drug addict if we need pain relief. We also hope that a physician who will assist us can finish without doubting us. With fibromyalgia, we struggle to get people to know our daily business even remotely, let alone to question our doctors about the validity of our pain and suffering.
Unfortunately, now we are in a time of immediate dismissal or judgment if we have any type of pain. It must be stopped. The health care professional must be able to achieve the knowledge they really need on PERSON and PATIENT. The use of pain medicines may or cannot be included. But the more the patient AND the person understands the more hope they will see the whole image and not just a screenshot and can work with the patient to find a solution or to develop a plan. It’s time for you to find a new one, which I am finding at the moment, if you’re not in contact with your doctor or health care provider.
Sometimes, especially when it comes to chronic pain conditions it is difficult to advocate for oneself. But we cannot give up! We must continue to fight for the United States! We need to struggle and hopefully find a common ground or a decent treatment plan. Nobody with chronic pain expects to live entirely without pain; we know that this is a totally unrealistic objective.
But what can we hope to find is a treatment plan that addresses the most, if not all, of our needs and a plan is provided to attempt to achieve them and, most importantly, we want a healthcare provider who understands our struggles and is ready to listen not only to our needs but is ready to help us try, regardless of what the treatment plan involves, to achieve a pain management goal.
We’re all looking for the same outcome, whether it’s tomorrow, next week, next month or years away. Those who are suffering from chronic pain simply want to see what we are suffering and to find options so we can “live the best of our life! “We do not need to seek the pain medication, we want the control of pain, we don’t need the pain medicine, we want the treatment of pain. We want to understand and support, however, most of all!
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