As a Nurse Practitioner, patients presenting with chronic pain problems to the ER are problematic. During this so-called opioid epidemic, guidelines were put in place for patients seeking narcotics. Also urgent care facilities. It is a problem, and I’m not implying patients are not in pain, or simply drug seekers.
We do use Toradol. Unfortunately, patients with chronic pain problems should be receiving care from their primary care physician or pain clinic. I can’t provide a percentage, but we were inundated! I’m a chronic pain patient myself, and the ER’s were being utilized when patients ran out of opiate meds, the physicians working in them were concerned about their license and DEA #’s being sanctioned.
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Some states have placed a limit on the number of days supply that can be provided. Hopefully, the new guidelines will be clarified that was written in June 2021, on how much should be dispensed. Usually, a 2–3 day supply was provided til patients could see their primary or pain, clinic doctor.
Even with the prescription drug monitoring system in place, doctors were concerned about “Big Brother” looking over their shoulder as they wrote a prescription. This period of time has been hell for chronic pain patients, and I can vouch for it. It’s out of control at this time. My supervising physician has to follow the hospital guidelines.
TRUST ME I have no problem giving a 3 day supply, back in 2016. I understand your and other patients‘ pain problems, but the ER is for emergencies, life or limb at risk, and CHRONIC problems need to be managed in other ways. I don’t want to be perceived as an uncaring, jerk, or 4 letter word, but our hands are tied. I could keep writing, but it’s a problem that hopefully will be resolved soon.
If you visit, Pain, you will read the same information as I’ve written. Yes, patients are committing many unwanted things, buying meds off the internet chancing your life they may contain a fatal dose of Fentanyl. The guidelines should be published soon, to ease restrictions.
I CAN’T WAIT, as my Morphine was cut from 150mg. to 90 mg. and just because I’m in the medical field, do not receive additional amounts. My life has declined and hard to function. Was working 50 hours a week, but for almost 2 years, zero hours. Take MS Contin 30mg 1 hour before getting out of bed! I’m not alone.
May God give you strength, as he has to me, making me take my Glock out of my mouth. No joke.
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