Why Every Fibrous Warrior Should be Aware of Lyme Disease Because of these Myths

The doctor may have checked Lyme disease, a bacterial infection often spread by ticks, before you are diagnosed with fibromyalgia. When you received a negative result, he or she probably removed the possible causes of your symptoms from their mental list and went on to exclude other conditions.

But the standard testing on Lyme disease is only 50-60% effective, which many doctors do not know. This means which even if you have been checking it negatively, you can still have Lyme!

Around 18 months ago, when I found out that I had Lyme, I learned that lesson firsthand. Fibromyalgia was diagnosed in 2014. My rheumatologist also dismissed my symptoms, including Lyme, as standard culprits. Personally, I have been checked on Lyme by LabCorp at least twice and my results have been negative at both times.

I learned about the high rate of false negatives in Lyme testing two years after my fiber diagnosis. I always had a dull feeling, there was something missing from my doctors. The typical fibromyalgia treatments have not enhanced my symptoms and I have been desperate to relieve the constant pain, fatigue and other symptoms I experience daily.

I had a history of tick bites, when I was born in rural Virginia, so it made sense for me to have contracted Lyme. I decided to test iGenex even better than the tests that LabCorp, Quest and similar conventional labs have.

I have Lyme from the iGenex study. Since then, I have learned that my story is popular among Lyme people. I missed the count of people who told me fibromyalgia was treated, and then they were diagnosed with Lyme. I assume that thousands-perhaps even millions-of fibro patients all over the world are Lyme based on my own research, but I don’t know that.

This is unfortunate if you think Lyme is safe. Yeah, it’s incredibly hard to treat, but certain people get back and heal. Recovery tales in the fibro world are, however, extremely rare.

I am one of my missions to inform the fibro community about the connection between fibromyalgia and Lyme after my Lyme Diagnosis. Below, I will share some of Lyme’s common misconceptions and useful information about how to check and assess properly.

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1st Myth: I’ve been screened for Lyme disease, so I haven’t got that way.

The standard laboratories only conduct 50-60 percent research, as stated above. The main reason is because the standard test does not check the existence of Lyme bacteria. Instead, the body is looking for antibodies that develop when Lyme bacteria are detected.

Most Lyme cases are overlooked as it may take weeks for these anti-corps to develop, but if you were checked too early, the test results will be negative. (Antibodies have never been produced by some men, because they are not working properly.)

Often, those whose Lyme is exposed for long periods fail the standard tests. As the Lyme bacteria enter the body, the body stops producing antibodies to the bacteria. This suppresses the immune system. If you were exposed to Lyme years ago, the chances of a standard test being done are very low.

I’ve had the standard Lyme test at least half a dozen times in LabCorp at this point, and my Lyme’s diagnosis is always negative even though my iGenex test and live blood testing have verified my diagnosis.

2nd Myth: Because I wasn’t bitten by a tick, I don’t have Lyme.

About 30% of Lyme patients recall a bite of the tick. Smaller ticks than a cotton seed’s size. There is also some evidence of Lyme transmittances through insects such as mosquitos, bite flies, sand flowers, and other. There is also some evidence that Lyme may also be transmitted by insects.

3rd Myth: I was bitten by a tick, but it was not long since I could have the Lyme disease.

The US Centers for the Prevention of Diseases deal with ticks to the skin for 36-48 hours to spread Lyme, but science suggests that transmission will happen much sooner.

4th Myth: So, I couldn’t get Lyme in the northeast.

In all cases, Lyme is present in the U.S. If a doctor says, “We don’t have Lyme implanted in here,” it’s just a complete error!

In some jurisdictions, Lyme is more popular than in others. The north-east and central Atlantic area (from Maine to Virginia), the central North States and the western coast (especially northern California) are among the endemic regions.

5th Myth: There is no chance I have Lyme, because I live in a city or a suburb.

Arbitrary borders including municipal boundaries are not known by ticks. There are also ticks in your area if you have ducks, deer’s, mice and any other kind of wildlife there.

For contract Lyme, you don’t have to be an outdoor guy. Lyme also lives in relatively safe areas, such as industrial parks and backyards.

6th Myth: I’ve never had bullseye rash, I don’t have Lyme.

Not all contractors cultivate Lyme rash for bullseye. Estimates vary according to the report, but less than half patients have a respectable Bullseye rash on average.

7th Myth: So, I don’t have Pneumonia, I don’t have Flu-like symptoms.

In the early stages of Lyme flu-like symptoms are normal, but in some cases, asymptomatic.

The symptoms become much more complex and diverse with Lyme holding in the body. Extreme fatuousness, joint pain, muscle pain, cognitive impairment, insanity, particularly in the limbs, depression, digestive problems and neurologic issues (tremors, paralysis of the bell etc.) and changes in the vision and hearing are the most frequent symptoms of Chronic Lyme infection.

Sound familiar with these symptoms? These are also symptomatic of fibromyalgia because many of them are.

Reading a Lyme symptom list, it is easy to understand the possible confusion between Lyme and fibromyalgia. The signs are so similar!

Lyme is actually known as the “true imitator,” because fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, parkson’s, dementia, ALS and other disorders are often misdiagnosed.

A perfect way to assess the risk is to complete Dr. Richard Horowitz’s Lyme questionnaire if you are of the opinion that you may have been exposed to Lyme.

Dr. Horowitz, one of the most prominent Lyme specialists in the United States, said in his latest presentation: “The true imitator is, of course, Lyme. As you know, it is not persistent tiredness syndrome or fibromyalgia, if you have good or bad days when symptoms and joints come and go, the muscle and nerve pain–your tingling, your excitement, your burning, your slicing sensations–and your body moves… [that] is what is standing out in Lyme disease.

8th Myth: The removal of Lyme is simple.

When caught early, Lyme is normally treated with antibiotics for two to four weeks. Nevertheless, Lyme can evolve into a deteriorating chronic condition that is difficult to treat if left untreated.

More difficult Lyme diagnosis is being co-infected. If a tick bites, it does not only pass on Lyme, but also other pathogens. Bartonella, babesia and mycoplasma are the most severe. Co-infections can be just as difficult to treat–if not more difficult–than Lyme.


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