Tired of Wishing my Life Away Fibromyalgia

Tired of Wishing my Life Away Fibromyalgia

Last month was awful. Not because of family, not because of friends, not because of anything that I can control but because of something that is a part of my life, like it or not.

Throughout this last year, I have done my best to eliminate negativity from my life. I find myself “testing” more and more of the self-help advice floating around out there. Some of it works, some of it doesn’t. Either way, I figure it’s worth a shot.

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When unavoidable stress manages to ooze into my life, I do my best to handle it. I do my best to avoid a Fibromyalgia flare-up. I try to “Stay Happy & Be Positive”

I wished away most of last month. I just wanted it to be over and now it is.

November has rolled around, and here I find myself once again just wishing for this situation to be over; permanently resolved. This also means I’m wishing my days away…again.

Each day of life should be cherished, not wished away. I know that…I will get back to LIVING. I will not let a couple of bad apples drain my life of joy.

See that picture up there? *The Hug; that’s what I’m going to learn to do. I will embrace each day and LIVE it to the fullest. I will no longer wish my days away!

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