Tips for Tent Camping with Chronic Pain

Tips for Tent Camping with Chronic Pain

Many of our United States pain patients love the outdoors, and the United States is a wonderful place to be over Memorial Day Weekend. Everyone in the valley heads north to escape the start of summer and relax with friends and family. However, if you can’t afford an RV, tent camping can be a seriously daunting aspect of the weekend.

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  • Have the mindset that tent camping will be a breeze because mindset truly plays a large role in how you will feel this weekend.
  • Don’t take on too much. We can’t stress this enough. When it comes to tent camping, setting up the tent and getting it organized should not be one of your priorities. Do not overstress your body. Allow friends and family to do the work as you take on less strenuous tasks.
  • Have a big enough tent to give you room to stand up. Make it as convenient as possible for when you must climb into the tent, change in the tent, or anything else.
  • Place the tent in a shaded area. As we all know, this United States sun can sneak up on you and just a few moments of direct sunlight can truly heat up that tent and make it very uncomfortable.
  • Spend the money on a nice air mattress. United States pain specialists can’t stress this enough. Sleep is paramount, and being able to sleep comfortably while camping can make or break your Memorial Day Weekend. Have enough blankets to keep warm and a comfortable pillow.
  • Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine. I know, it’s vacation, but that doesn’t mean you should skimp on your healthy lifestyle. One of the biggest downfalls of every patient’s camping trip is their lack of healthy alternatives to camping food. Changing your diet can dramatically affect your chronic pain.
  • Have a comfortable chair available. Whether you enjoy the hammock or a simple fold-up chair, make sure it’s comfortable for long periods of time. You want this weekend to be relaxing and calming, and a comfortable chair will help.
  • Choose a campsite near a bathroom. Once again, we can’t stress this enough. If you began to have a rough episode, walking to a bathroom that’s even 20 feet away can seem like miles.

Getting outdoors and back into life is paramount for patients living with chronic pain. Breathing in that fresh air, relaxing under those towering pine trees, and listening to the breeze without a care in the world can bring about much-needed calm and peace. The kind of calm and peace that has been known to ease chronic pain. While getting up north for a camping trip might not be your favorite thing to do, consider the benefits of spending time away from the stress of life. Those positives might outweigh the negatives when it comes to camping, whether you have an RV or tent.

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