Thyroid have Many Disorder Check These 3 Common Thyroid Problems

By: Researcher Taymur

Understanding Thyroid

The thyroid is a tiny butterfly-shaped gland found just below the Adam’s apple at the base of your head. It is part of a complex gland network called the endocrine system. Many of the body’s movements are regulated by the endocrine system. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism in your body.

If your thyroid produces too much hormone (hyperthyroidism) or not enough (hypothyroidism), several different disorders may occur.

Hashimoto’s disease, Graves ‘ disease, goiter, and thyroid nodules are four common thyroid disorders.

Understanding Hyperthyroidism Disease

The thyroid gland is overactive in hyperthyroidism. Too much of its hormone is produced. About 1% of women are affected by hyperthyroidism. It’s less common among men.

The condition of Graves is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism, affecting about 70% of overactive thyroid patients. Thyroid nodules a condition called toxic nodular goiter or multinodular goiter can also overproduce the hormones of the gland.

Excessive thyroid hormone production leads to symptoms such as:

  • because of restlessness
  • so increased sweating
  • therefore nervousness
  • because of anxiety
  • so trouble sleeping
  • however racing heart
  • therefore shaking
  • so thin skin
  • because irritability
  • however weight loss
  • because of bulging eyes
  • therefore brittle hair and nails
  • so muscle weakness

Understanding Hashimoto’s Disease

Sometimes known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, Hashimoto’s disease. It is the most common cause of U.S. hypothyroidism, affecting nearly 14 million Americans. It may occur at any age, but in middle-aged women it is most common. The disease occurs when the immune system of the body erroneously attacks the thyroid gland and its ability to produce hormones and slowly destroys it.

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Some people with mild cases of Hashimoto’s disease may not have any apparent symptoms. For years, the disease can remain stable, and symptoms are often subtle. They are also not specific, meaning they mimic many other conditions ‘ symptoms. The signs are:

  • because of fatigue
  • so intolerance to cold
  • therefore enlarged thyroid
  • because of depression
  • so irregular menstruation
  • because of constipation
  • however pale, puffy face
  • because heavy menstruation
  • so mild weight gain
  • therefore dry skin
  • so thinning hair

Understanding Graves’ Disease

The condition of Graves is named for the physician who identified it for the first time over 150 years ago. In the United States, it is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism, affecting around 1 in 200 individuals.

Graves ‘ is an autoimmune disorder that occurs when the thyroid gland is mistakenly attacked by the body’s immune system. This can cause the gland to overproduce the metabolism-regulating hormone.

The disorder is inherited and can occur in men or women at any age, but according to the Trusted Source Department of Health and Human Services, it is much more common in women aged 20 to 30. Stress, pregnancy, and cigarettes are other risk factors.

If your bloodstream has a high level of thyroid hormone, the body’s processes intensify and trigger hyperthyroid-common symptoms. These include:

  • therefore anxiety
  • so bulging eyes
  • similarly vision problems
  • because excessive sweating
  • so difficulty sleeping
  • therefore altered menstrual cycle
  • because goiter
  • so irritability
  • therefore diarrhea
  • so frequent bowel movements
  • because of fatigue
  • therefore hand tremors
  • so increased heartbeat
  • therefore irregular heartbeat

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