That's Optimism Baby!

That’s Optimism Baby!

Who’s to say what optimism really means…

Hmmm what can I say about optimism? Let’s see, first off for some it may be easier to muster up than others. Take me for example, you try looking at the bright side when everything hurts ALL the time. Not an easy thing to do.

That being said, I try. Goodness knows I try to be optimistic. Sometimes, the best I can come up with is that this too shall pass. At least that’s something, right? I mean, it’s a glimmer of hope. A reminder that whatever big pile of steaming poop you’re dealing with right now will become a memory, eventually.

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Now I realize that may not sound very optimistic to the average person. Believe me though, when your entire body, mind, and soul are engulfed in an agonizing flare, knowing that it will pass at some point is pretty much all you have.

With chronic pain, when there is no relief to be had, you hold on to the hope that it will pass sooner rather than later. That my friend is what I call optimism.

Optimism, It Can Mean Different Things to Different People

According to the noun optimism can mean, a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.

Taking that definition into account, if each time that you are suffering you hang in there because you know the latest flare will eventually end, does that not mean you are optimistic? Optimism is hope and having hope is optimism. Believing that there will be a relief and that the flare will end.

Now, I’m not saying the pain ends completely. That’s the tricky part. When the flare ends the pain doesn’t just go away, it lessens. Sometimes a little bit and sometimes a lot. You just never know until the time comes, which it’s going to be. When you’re really lucky the chronic widespread pain will drop from a 9/10 to a 4/10.

I know, we more than likely don’t sound very positive to the healthy. In fact, it’s probably tough to wrap your mind around just how much optimism it takes for us to get through most days.

When you hear the words “today is going to be a pain rating 3 kinds of day”, what we’re really saying is “today is going to be a great day!”

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