Ten Rich Foods High in Magnesium – Chronic Illness Awareness

What is magnesium?

Magnesium is a mineral that our bodies rely on to feel fit, healthy and full of vitality. It is a co-factor for hundreds of enzyme reactions within the body. These enzymes are vital for a variety of important processes such as the conversion of energy from carbohydrates, fats and protein, not to mention healthy DNA synthesis, blood sugar balance, bone health and a calm nervous system.”

Magnesium plays a central role in just about every bodily process, from the synthesis of DNA to the metabolism of insulin. Magnesium helps maintain the proper levels of other minerals such as calcium, potassium, and zinc. Your heart, muscles, and kidneys all need magnesium to work properly. The mineral also helps build teeth and bones. It’s involved in hundreds of chemical reactions in your body and helps you maintain good health. However, eating foods high in magnesium can help you meet the daily requirement. Here are 10 healthy foods that are high in magnesium.


One cup of boiled spinach has 157 mg of magnesium. Dark, leafy greens are rich with nutrients, and spinach is no exception. This green super food is also known for its high iron content. Spinach is packed with magnesium, especially when it’s cooked! Also add healthy oil like extra virgin olive oil to the meal to increase absorption of spinach’s high amounts of vitamins A, E, and K.


They’re very rich in many different nutrients, including magnesium. Legumes are a family of nutrient-dense plants that include lentils, beans, chickpeas, peas and soybeans. They’re a major source of protein for vegetarians. Legumes are also high in potassium and iron. They may lower cholesterol, improve blood sugar control and decrease heart disease risk because legumes are rich in fiber and have a low glycemic index. For instance, a 1-cup serving of cooked black beans contains an impressive 120 mg of magnesium, which is 30% of the RDI.


These crunchy nuts help lower cholesterol. We all love almonds, don’t we? They help prevent chronic degenerative disease especially in individuals who have type 2 diabetes; Almond oil improves the skin tone and complexion. A small handful of almonds (1 ounce) contains 20% of your daily requirements for magnesium. They also score high in vitamin E and manganese (that same handful of almonds offers over 1/3 of daily requirements for each).

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Black beans

Because of their high protein and fiber content and low fat and cholesterol black beans are a favorite vegetarian staple. They’re a rich source of magnesium: 1/2 cup = 60 mg. They help manage diabetes because their fiber has been shown to improve blood sugar levels; and their antioxidants quercetin and saponins are said to be heart-healing. Black beans help strengthen bones because their magnesium is also combined with high calcium and phosphorus.


Quinoa is prepared and eaten in a way that’s similar to rice. It’s known for its many health benefits, including a high protein and mineral content. One cup of cooked quinoa has 118 mg of magnesium.

Sunflower seeds

The magnesium in sunflower seeds has a variety of benefits it promotes heart health, prevents or treats asthma and arthritis, and more importantly, prevents certain types of cancer. The seeds are a super healthy snack for kids as well .They contains other minerals like calcium, potassium, and iron all of which are required for children’s growth and development.


They’re a staple food for millions of people in tropical countries due to their super dense source of starchy energy. In addition to magnesium (half a plantain offers 1/5 daily magnesium requirements), plantains also have iron and more potassium than bananas. Add this treat to your cart when you see it in the supermarket. And they’re rich in B vitamins, particularly B6, which not only reduces stress symptoms but heart attack and stroke risks.


It’s made by pressing soybean milk into soft white curds and is also known as “bean curd.” Tofu is often a staple food in vegetarian diets due to its high protein content. One serving also provides 10 grams of protein and 10% or more of the RDI for calcium, iron, manganese and selenium. Additionally, some studies suggest that eating tofu may protect the cells lining your arteries and reduce your risk of stomach cancer.

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All types of rockfish are good sources of magnesium (45 mg per 3-ounce serving), and thyroid-boosting selenium; a 3-ounce serving contains 65 mcg of selenium, a full day’s requirements. Also called Pacific red snapper and black bass, rockfish is a meaty white fish that’s quite rich in omega 3 fats (3 ounces has 1.5 grams fat), which adds to its taste.


Cherries are best food sources of magnesium. They have various benefits, one of them being their efficacy in helping people suffering from arthritis.


Another healthy snacking nut, cashews are also a good source of magnesium. One ounce has 74 mg of the mineral. Eat cashews by themselves or add them to a side salad for dinner.

Benefits of magnesium

Improves sleep quality

You may want to consider increasing your intake of magnesium-rich foods, if you suffer from insomnia. There is a connection between magnesium and sleep. Magnesium supplementation could help reduce insomnia. A supplement containing a mix of magnesium, melatonin and zinc improves sleep quality.

Increase bone mineral density

Magnesium along with calcium and 70 other co-factor minerals is one of the major keys to increasing bone mineral density.

Fight against depression

Magnesium could be as effective as antidepressants in treating depression. Magnesium has potent mood-boosting properties and can help fight against depression. Combine magnesium with other natural remedies for depression such as eating lots of probiotic-rich foods, getting in plenty of vitamin D, and minimizing your intake of refined carbs and sugar.


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