Seven Stages of Fibromyalgia

By: Dr Alex Robber

Stage 1

You will feel mild pain and exhaustion at the very beginning of fibromyalgia. All the signs you’re going to feel tired. You may not be able to do your daily work perfectly because of this tiredness. You’re holding on to your job, but you’re pretty sure your body doesn’t have something right, so you’re starting to research.

Stage 2

Pain and fatigue are growing every day and you are very miserable now. Sometimes to get rid of the pain you take anti-inflammatory medicine, but the pain doesn’t go away. Now you’re confident it’s not a normal pain, and with your body there’s something going on. You’re exhausted from fatigue almost all the time, but you’re still holding on to your standard routine, still being able to meet friends, go to activities, and have some nice time from time to time.

Stage 3

Pain is now totally unbearable and you’re wondering if it’s infection or allergy, if I’d be able to function like a normal person again. You are planning to leave your job now because you don’t have the energy to keep up with the job. After returning from work, all you do now is rest, rest and rest, and you expect that if I take a nice lengthy nap, I may have the energy to return to job tomorrow. Because you’re going to cut people out of your life now because you can’t give them time correctly. This is stage is so dangerous.

Stage 4

You’re all the time in tremendous pain. It’s difficult to come by good days. Almost every other day you call in sick to job because you don’t have the energy to go to work. You’re nearly 16 hours a day in bed. Even if you have a nice day and want to make the most of it. Fibro flare comes in your manner and because of flare you may not be able to get out of bed for the next few days. Your friends won’t invite you to your activities or gathering this time because they already understand your excuses and they believe you’re whining about it. My family thinks I’m doing things and don’t want to be with them. More than ever, you will feel lonely, worried and isolated from others because no one can really comprehend your pain. For years, this phase can last and its worst.

Stage 5

You may have already let go of your work or at least think about it up to this point. Now you’re thinking about how to become permanently disabled because you can’t cope with this relentless pain. You’re thinking about how long it takes for you to get disability, and you’re also concerned about having disability denied. You may have recruited a maid now because you are scarcely able to move. Sometimes you weep like what happens to me in a corner. You’re stuck in your own body and you can’t do anything about it. You can really cheer you up if you have a nice life partner who can comprehend what’s going on with you.

Stage 6 

You’re in this alone now. You began looking on social media for fibromyalgia. You discover a lot of other individuals who go the same way you do. Now taking a shower is like a BIG job and you’re done for the remainder of the day once you’re taking a shower. Strong lights hurt you, it can cause really agonizing pain even the slightest touch to your body. You’re on a hard drug. Doctors can’t find the right solution to your issue, just recommend some medicine for pain relief. Now you really don’t care about your clothes. Because you feel comfortable in them, you prefer to be in your PJ’s. When you were athletic and have a nice memory, those nice days are like a dream for you.

You still like stuff like watching television in life. To find out if there is a fresh cure for fibromyalgia, you are attempting to be in sync with present news. Your friends, as they have other things to do, don’t bother speaking to you about yourself. You need a lot of rest that piles up a lot of stuff like bills, house cleaning, and dishes. With all these medicines you might have gained a lot of weight, and now you’re also thinking about losing some weight, but you can’t do it because you just don’t have the energy to do a workout. You might attempt a fresh doctor to find relief from all this pain and tiredness, but they gave you a few sleep medications. Life is now like a living Hell.

Stage 7

A question that I wonder, “Why me?” It was like a normal person I had a good life and then bam! Fibromyalgia hits me like a bus, and for the rest of my life I’ve been disabled. We’re still looking for a possible cure, but it doesn’t seem we’re going to ever get one.Stay Healthizes

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