Patients Reported that Cannabis Decreases their Arthritis Pain

Cannabis may be harmful to arthritic joints; patients with arthritis reported cannabis reducing their pain. The Arthritis Society is therefore providing the research to confirm this. The research is to develop medical cannabis therapies. This is good news for 54 million arthritis sufferers.

Cannabis and Arthritis Pain

Dr. Jason McDougall is a researcher from Canada. He is a pharmacology and anesthesia professor at Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS, and one of the leading pain researchers in the world. He was adequately funded by the organization to have a three-year study on cannabis’ ability to effectively repair arthritic joints.

So the aim of McDougall’s research was to figure out that medication dependent on cannabis is more than a pain killer for arthritic joints. However the goal was to find out if it helps repair the arthritis-related hurt. Because it was the organization’s first proper research to find treatment with medical cannabis.

However the Arthritis Society’s president and CEO, Janet Yale said, “People living with arthritis pain are looking for alternatives to improve their quality of life.” In addition, he added, “We need research to help address the many important questions surrounding medical cannabis and its use. So the aim is to provide People with the ability to make informed choices about their treatment options and provide evidence-based advice to their patients to make treatment recommendations. However this project represents an important step towards achieving these goals.

The Chinese scientists had previously found that there are very high concentrations of CB2 receptors in arthritic joints. They also suggested a treatment option. It was supported by Canadian research.

Informative CB2 Receptor

In layman’s terms, the entrance of cannabinoids into the cell is a molecule in the cell wall that acts as a door. Because it is the way the cell flags beneficial molecules that circulate through it during the body’s day-to-day activity.

Therefore our body has the ability to produce its own endocannabinoids through CB2 receptors that enter the cell. However in fact, treatment dependent on cannabis also has the ability to enter through the same level. So, it is the authors’ opinion that cannabis is effective in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

Repairing Damage by CB2 Receptors

So, the question arises as to whether cannabis-based medicine can help CB2 receptors penetrate cells and reduce joint pain. Will it help to restore the arthritis-induced damage? There are many reasons to think so.

There is a research published in the journal “Royal Society B Philosophical Transactions” that releases antioxidants from the body’s endocannabinoid system that help repair damaged cells when cannabinoids are elevated from an external source.

Another example highlighting this thought was the story of a Maine woman who recovered from symptoms of arthritis by using cannabis smoothies. Therefore, more serious consideration was given to cannabis treatment research.

Therefore rhe Canadian medical cannabis companies are Aphria, Inc. and the Peace Naturals Project. Because each of them funded the Arthritis Society with $100,000 to assist the bill for research by Dr. McDougall. So, Medical science’s confidant on this new research was a good symbol for arthritis sufferers.

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Working About CB2 Receptors

So, Cannabinoid receptors have an important role to play in the immune system. Because it’s the way they work. Because autoimmune disorders such as arthritis and chronic disorders such as osteoarthritis don’t make much sense, according to a biological perspective. So, the question is why would the body target itself or be unable to restore such important features, such as joint dexterity? However cannabinoid-based medicine is the answer to this question.

Therefore previous research has been helpful in making McDougall’s team confident that cannabis-based medicines can promote CB2 and decrease pain by increasing immune responses at pain points.

However now the other thing was to find out whether the medicine would have other effects on the body. Above all if researchers succeed in their research, there will be a new methodology of treatment. Therefore it was only hypothetical success at this stage, however, but most doctors and patients were only grateful for successful pain treatment.

With the growing understanding of the endocannabinoid system, we look forward to finding ways to help cannabis-based medications relieve pain and cure the damage caused by inflammation to the joints. While the research of McDougall is yet to be completed, the results are expected in the near future.

Let’s be hopeful, hope for the best, and pray. The first step towards physiological, emotional or religious recovery is a positive attitude.

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