By Researcher: James Robber
Mesotheliomas are classified as epithelial, sarcomatoid or biphasic by their cell type. Each type of cell reacts differently to treatment and has a significant impact on the prognosis of a patient.
One of the ways in which mesothelioma is identified by the tumor cell type. Cell type is very important because it plays a key role in deciding the treatment and the prognosis of a patient. Such three types, each with their own unique properties, are further divided into different subtypes by specialists.
Understanding Mesothelioma 3 Cell Types
The most treatable are tumors of mesothelioma made up of epithelial cells. The highest prognosis is in patients with this type of cell. It is the most frequent type of cell.
Sarcomatoid mesothelioma has fewer treatment options than other cell types, the least common type of cancer. The least favorable prognosis is for patients diagnosed with this cell type.
Mesothelioma tumors are classified as biphasic tumors composed of both epithelial and sarcomatoid cells. Tumors with more epithelial cells are treatable and better prognosed than sarcomatoid cells.
Doctors Process for Determine of Cell Type
The mesothelioma tumor cell type plays an important role in the development of a treatment plan by the physician. When the picture tests of a patient indicate a tumor mass or fluid buildup which can lead to mesothelioma, a tissue or fluid sample is taken from the region and sent to the testing laboratory. The sample will then be tested under a microscope by a pathologist to determine if the patient has mesothelioma.
Histology is called special tests that confirm cellular mesothelioma. This test also shows the patient’s tumor’s cell type.
Mesothelioma, such as adenocarcinoma, is difficult to distinguish from other cancers. Histological tests thus play a critical role in the diagnostic process.
1st are Epithelioid Type of Cells
The epithelion type constitutes 50–70 percent of all diagnoses and is the most common form of cellular mesothelioma.
Thanks to the square structure of the epithelial cells themselves, epithelioid mesothelioma is easier to treat than other forms. Their form allows the cells to bind together as they divide and begin to spread. It prevents their spread and increases their efficacy in removing cancer from the body of a patient by curative care, including surgery or chemotherapy.
Specialists categorize epithelial cells into subtypes to better understand how mesothelioma can affect the prognosis of a patient.
Epithelial cell subtypes the most common and easiest to recognize
- Tubulopapillary
- Adenomatoid
- Solid mesothelial
- Acinar
Other epithelial subtypes such as transparent cells and deciduous are less frequent and only an advanced mesothelioma specialist can correctly identify.
2nd are Sarcomatoid Type of Cells
The most unusual cell type of mesothelioma is the sarcomatoid variety. It is the most severe cancer and constitutes about 10 percent of all the mesothelioma diagnoses.
Specialists consider that the sarcomatoid cell type is the most aggressive, because it spreads rapidly. This is because of their long, spindle-like growth pattern. This may not result in an operation to remove the sarcomatoid tumor if it has spread.
Sarcomatoid cells are categorized as epithelial cells into several subtypes, each of which is reactive to treatment differently.
Sarcomatoid subtypes include:
- Lymphohistiocytoid
- Transitional.
- Desmoplastic
3rd are Biphasic (Mixed) Type of Cells
The second most common cellular type of mesothelioma is biphasic or mixed mesothelioma. This constitutes 20 to 35% of all cases of mesothelioma. A biphasic tumor consists of epithelium cells and sarcomatoid cells at a microscopic level.
The response of biphasic mesothelioma to treatment is dependent on the ratio of sarcomatoid and epithelial cells. When the tumor mainly consists of epithelial cells, it will slow down and respond more effectively to therapy. The tumor will grow faster if it has more sarcomatoid cells and will be less receptive to therapy.
A biphatic mesothelioma tumor may be hard to diagnose because in various places of the same tumor, epithelial and sarcomatoid cells also develop.
If a physician is unfamiliar with mesothelioma, a biphasic tumor can be misdiagnosed as an epithelioid or sarcotics. If you were previously exposed to asbestos, a doctor with expertise in mesothelioma treatment should be consulted.
Understanding the mesothelioma cell type allows physicians to establish a treatment plan specific to the condition of their patient. Epithelioid cells, for example, respond more slowly to aggressive surgery than sarcomatoid cells. When creating a treatment course, a qualified specialist considers cellular features like this.
Nevertheless, the cell type is only one of several factors influencing how therapies impact the prognosis of a patient. As they establish a treatment plan for their patients, the location of the mesothelioma and its cancer stage are extremely important considerations.
Speaking to a professional specialist who is knowledgeable of the condition on a cellular level is an important step forward to boost the prognosis if you were diagnosed with mesothelioma. Help us now locate a specialist in mesothelioma.