Free Writing the Night Away

Free Writing the Night Away

Night Time is the Right Time for a Little Free Writing

Yippee! I write like I tweet…or is it that I tweet like I write?

Hey, wait a minute! I tweet and write as I talk. That’s it! No silly, I don’t mean messy. Sheesh. Sure I write messy but, what I’m talking about is this tendency I have to babble in verbal conversation.

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When I’m writing, I simply put to paper, or screen if you will, my thoughts exactly as they are flowing. I try not to skip a beat. I try to sound in the written word exactly as if I’m talking directly to you.

It’s tough to keep up with the thoughts, especially with a pen to paper. I type quicker, but I tend to edit A LOT less when I write it. Once I start editing, the tone of free-flowing words dissipates, though spelling errors disappear. Side note – > I was pretty sure I made a spelling mistake when I wrote: “dissipates”.

What was I originally talking about? Twitter! That’s it!

Twitter and writing, or the tone of writing. Mostly what I was going to say was that I love tweeting because, with so few characters, it’s even more fun trying to be witty, and talk about having to think. If you’re looking to sound smart on Twitter, you really do have to put a lot of thought into choosing your words wisely.

That’s sometimes quite challenging. Me? Sometimes I just love a challenge.

Instagram is for me. It’s the place I like to be ?

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