Foods That Are Known To Aggravate CRPS

Foods That Are Known To Aggravate CRPS

For CRPS sufferers, anti-inflammatory foods are recommended. To find out more, and which foods you should avoid if you are a sufferer, continue reading.

Some foods are a great source of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs. On the other hand, however, there are also some foods that are known to cause great harm, particularly for those who suffer from complex regional pain syndrome. If you are a CRPS sufferer and want to know which foods you should think twice about eating, continue reading.

Suffering from CRPS is the same as suffering from chronic inflammation. As a result, anti-inflammatory foods are beneficial, as they naturally help to reduce inflammation and the triggers of inflammation. As a result, foods known to cause inflammation should be avoided by all CRPS sufferers.

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The following foods are known to cause inflammation:

  • Sugar It may be hard to give up desserts, but it is advised if you have CRPS. Foods particularly high in sugar include pastries, chocolate, soda, and fruit juice.
  • Saturated fats These fats are known to trigger adipose (fat tissue) inflammation. Dairy foods, such as butter and cream, meats, such as fatty cuts of beef, pork, and lamb, processed meats, such as salami, sausages, and the skin on chicken, and lard are examples of foods high in saturated fat.
  • Trans fats Known to cause systemic inflammation and are found in fast foods, cookies, donuts, etc.
  • Omega 6 The body needs a healthy balance of Omega 3 and 6. Excessive consumption of Omega 6, which is found in oils, such as sunflower, grapeseed, soy, peanut, and vegetable, as well as in many salad dressings, can trigger the body to produce pro-inflammatory chemicals.
  • Refined carbohydrates White flour products, such as bread, rolls, and crackers, as well as white rice, potatoes, and many bowls of cereal, contain refined carbohydrates.
  • Monosodium glutamate MSG is a flavor-enhancing food additive most commonly found in Asian food and soy sauce, which can trigger two important pathways of chronic inflammation and affect liver health.
  • Gluten and casein Those with joint pain are likely to find relief by avoiding gluten, which is found in wheat, barley, and rye, or casein, most commonly found in dairy products.
  • Alcohol As well as causing inflammation, alcohol is also known to weaken liver function.

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The foods listed above are some of the most harmful when it comes to inflammation. Therefore, if you are a sufferer, they should be avoided at all costs to not only improve the pain you feel but also improve your overall health. Maintaining a healthy diet is important for anyone, particularly those who suffer from CRPS, since it affects every aspect of a person’s life, both physically and mentally.

In order to maintain a healthy, balanced diet, it is important that you try to follow the below recommendations, as provided by the NHS:

  1. Eat your 5-a-day
  2. Switch to wholegrain rice, pasta, and bread
  3. Give dairy alternatives a try
  4. Eat beans, pulses, fish, and non-fatty meats for protein
  5. Choose unsaturated oils and spreads and eat them in small amounts
  6. Drink plenty of water

At Ronty Rhodes Solicitors, we have experienced CRPS solicitors, helping to secure compensation for a wide range of sufferers from around the UK. This being said, however, we are not medical experts, therefore, if you are thinking of starting a new diet or want to learn more about which foods you should avoid, then we would advise you to contact your doctor or local GP for help and further information.

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