Easing My Flair for Fibromyalgia Flares

Easing My Flair for Fibromyalgia Flares

Some flares are pretty, fibroflares are not.

An important part of my learning to LIVE with fibromyalgia has been trying to pinpoint my personal triggers of fibro-flares.

In other words what makes all my fibro symptoms go from manageable to really, really bad. Sometimes so bad that I literally can’t stay upright.  Some of my flare-ups have lasted days, some have lasted weeks.  Before I had a better understanding of what I was dealing with I remember a flare that lasted months.

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Some triggers can be avoided, some can not.  I recently spiraled (that’s what it feels like to me) into a ten-day and counting flare-up.

What makes this one unique is that it was avoidable.  Circumstances beyond my control forced me into over-exerting myself and placed me under a ton of stress. Two of my harshest triggers.

Anyway, that was then and this is now.  Now I focus on getting through to the other side of this flare by walking when I’m able, resting when I need to,  taking lots of hot showers, and sleeping when I can (not as easy as you might think).

Doing what I can to take my mind off the pain while respecting my limitations (no over exerting). This post, for example, took multiple sittings over a three-day period, but I did it.

Vow to self…I will do my best to avoid whatever triggers of my fibro-flares that I can!

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