Category: Fibromyalgia Diagnosis


What do you want others to understand about your fibromyalgia life condition, that others don’t seem to realize?

My fibromyalgia is considered to be at the severe end of the scale. When one has a disease/illness/condition where we frequently get the “but you don’t look sick” cry from the healthy unknowing masses,...


How much Stressful Experience will Face by Fibromyalgia due to their Illness? Tips to face their Disease

Tips for the Warrior Caring for someone with CFS or FM can be a stressful experience. You may take on extra responsibilities, experience financial strain, feel frustrated and resentful at times, lose companionship, face...


Fibromyalgia Couples make Good Communication Difficult due to their Illness

Improving Communication The stresses brought by serious illness can make good communication difficult. To complicate matters, CFS and FM create the additional challenge of cognitive problems. Here are seven ideas for how to improve...


Evidence shows that Fibromyalgia and CFS put Couples under Stress

Fibromyalgia and CFS put couples under stress. This chapter offers strategies for addressing three problems faced by couples: sexual difficulties, strained communication, and caregiver burnout. Improving Intimacy When CFS or fibromyalgia enters a marriage,... 1

Best Books on Fibromyalgia and Other Resources

Fibromyalgia is complex. If you live with fibro, you know that it’s not as easy as taking a “pill” or any other quick fix and just getting on with your life. Living smarter is...