Women Feels a lot of Fibromyalgia Pain During Her Period

By: Dr Alex Robber

Fibromyalgia, a chronic condition that results in fatigue and muscle and joint pain, is 10 times more likely than men. And for some of these women, fibromyalgia and pain are aggravated once a month, their period.

The portion of your nervous system that regulates your times is susceptible to any modifications your body has, including fibromyalgia-related symptoms and any other circumstances.

“Many women report an increase in fibromyalgia symptoms just prior to their periods and during menses,” says Sawsan As-Sanie, MD, MPH, assistant professor, department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. “Overall pain and sensitivity change during the menstrual cycle.”

Fibromyalgia’s effects on the menstrual cycle are individual, and not all women have increased fibromyalgia pain or other symptoms. However, Dr. As-Sanie describes that any symptoms that are truly disturbing to a fibromyalgia patient may get worse in her menstrual cycle.

The most common symptoms during your period are:

  • Widespread pain
  • Fatigue
  • Memory problems
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty sleeping

Patients with fibromyalgia may also experience increased mood swings and dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain that is sufficiently powerful for daily activity.

While your menstrual period can worsen fibromyalgia symptoms, fibromyalgia does not develop immediately. There’s not only one reason, too. “Many of the underlying variables are responsible for fibromyalgia symptoms, not only estrogen or progesterone but other hormonal brain variants,” As-Sanie suggests.

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Does Fibromyalgia Pain Worst in Menopause?

According to As-Sanie there are many females whose fibromyalgia symptoms worsen during menstrual periods, but not necessarily a decreasing number of fibromyalgia symptoms. “Speaking about half of all females with fibromyalgia have their fibromyalgia symptoms getting worse during menopause,” As-Sanie said. “This is not the case. “Overall, the symptoms of female fibromyalgia do not get worse or better consistently after the menopause.”

During Your Period How to get Fibromyalgia Pain Relief?

As-Sanie indicates that you continue following your fibromyalgia therapy to treat fibromyalgia symptoms during your menstrual period. She also recommends that during your menstrual cycle you don’t alter or prevent your medicine for fibromyalgia. “They have to be treated consistently for fibromyalgia medicines to operate,” As-Sanie suggests.

As-sanie says fibromyalgia medication, as well as treatments that can be helpful, include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine (NSAIDs). These can assist females with worsening fibromyalgia before and during their time.

Birth control pills are another possible therapy route. “The pill may be useful for period-related gynecological issues such as severe stress,” As-Sanie said.

A lot of rest just before and during your period can help with your symptoms of fibromyalgia as well. Other solutions to improve the management of pain and other symptoms include:

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  • Whirlpool baths
  • Pilates or yoga
  • Massage therapy
  • Heating pads

During menstruation it is also essential to prevent stressful situations as stress can boost pain and other symptoms of fibromyalgia. Meditation, breathing and other methods of relaxation may assist you regulate your stress level. Talk to your doctor about therapy choices if your fibromyalgia symptoms worsen during your period. Since the symptoms of fibromyalgia differ among females, it may be exactly what the doctor has ordered to treat your symptoms. Stay Healthizes!


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