Why Should Sufferers with Type 2 Diabetes be Vigilant About Vitamin D

By: Researcher Taymur

Understanding Vitamin D

While diabetes experts affirm a genuine connection between diabetes and vitamin D, the efficacy of supplements does not exist.

However a recent study by the European Journal of Endocrinology has shown that regular vitamin D3 supplementation can increase the tolerance of insulin in newly diagnosed patients with either type 2 diabetes or high risk of disease growth.

Therefore double-blind, placebo-controlled trial consisted of 96 randomized patients and included the provision of 5,000 global IUs per day for 6 months.

Because “Vitamin D supplementation significantly increased peripheral insulin sensitivity and B-cell function during 6 months in those with a high risk of diabetes or newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, indicating it could delay the metabolic deterioration of this population,” the recent report explained.

Nonetheless, previous research Trusted Source failed to find a benefit for insulin sensitivity from the vitamin D supplement.

Therefore Prior to the latest report, 4,000 IUs were assessed over almost three years in the largest Trusted Source analysis on the impact of Vitamin D on insulin sensitivity and secretion. With only 2 percent difference between the diabetes type 2 group and the non-diabetes group, the findings are unimpressive.

However was this recent study successful because of loose standards or was the dose of 5,000 IUs per day at last sufficiently high to have a significant influence?

Reports in the past have been indicated that factors like race, glucose and vitamin D intake, length and time during the study have not proved the importance of the vitamin D supplementation.

Understanding Link Between Diabetes and Vitamin D.

For people with and without diabetes around the world, low vitamin D levels are a prevalent problem. In this 2011 Canadian Trusted Source report, research has repeatedly found the strong correlation between low vitamin D levels in patients with insulin resistance and a high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

“The latest studies seem to show that the body retains the ability to respond better to insulin at the cell level with the injection before or shortly after diagnosis which avoids the hallmark of insulin type 2 diabetes,” said Jennifer Smith of CDE, RD, Healthline.

However Smith, who treat patients with all types of diabetes worldwide at Integrated Diabetes Services, said “The other thing that appears to help is to keep insulin’s beta cells in pancreas healthy and functionally functional.”

Therefore during insulin secretion, beta cells play a central role. So, According to the Diabetes Care Trusted Source 2016 report, progressive beta cell dysfunction is the main blame for type 2 diabetes for around 60% of diagnosed individuals.

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So, the remaining 40% can then reverse the condition by significant nutrition, exercise and body weight changes.

However “Normally, patients will have to continue using insulin because of a progressive beta cell loss as type 2 diabetes progresses. So this suggests that oral medications that enable the body to create more insulin are no longer effective rendering injections of insulin unnecessary.

Therefore “Despite positive insulin sensitivity and development results, the study also shows no difference in fasting glucose levels with HbA1c levels between the placebo group and control group.

Understanding Vitamin D Affects Insulin Secretion

However smith explained, citing National Institute of the HealthTrust Source study, vitamin D can have several positive effects on insulin secretion.

Therefore vitamin D enters the beta cell and interacts with various types of receptors that link and activate the insulin gene essentially and enhance the synthesis of insulin.

In a person with diabetes, whose body is attempting to destroy those cells slowly, it is also suspected that vitamin D helps beta cells survive by interfering with the effects of cytokines that are formed by the immune system.

Therefore when regulating the body’s calcium usage Vitamin D plays also an important role. However in the secretion of insulin, calcium actually plays a minor but crucial role. Because if the body’s ability to manage calcium levels is impaired, too little vitamin D necessarily impairs the body’s ability to produce insulin.

Understanding Precautions

“Speak with your doctor, test your levels,” Smith said. Ginger Vieira is a specialist patient dealing with type 1 diabetes, celiac disease and fibromyalgia. “An effective solution to vitamin D supplementation can be decided from this point of view.” Find and connect with her on Twitter and YouTube to her diabetes books on Amazon.

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