We Call Ourselves Sufferers, Warrior and Spoonies due to Fibromyalgia

By: Dr Alex Robber

1st is Fibro Sufferers

Whenever I write on the pain and symptoms of fibromyalgia, this title is simple to throw because it’s clear that a lot of individuals with this disease actually suffer. All human beings suffer at some stage in their lives, mentally, physically, or emotionally, but Fibro people are compelled to experience more. The definitions of “suffer” in the Webster dictionary are:

  • way of death, pain, or distress
  • to sustain loss or damage
  • by disability or handicap

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Fibromyalgia seems to be the subject of most of these definitions. You have to endure something, you have to work and you’re subject to it, and it’s inevitable, or you don’t. There is, however, an underlying feeling that the term suffering is linked to victimization. People at various phases of the process might feel like a victim, while others would like to get away from that. I understand that I can pass through the spectrum from victim to guerrilla during the afternoon as someone who has been dealing with chronic pain for many years.

2nd is Fibro Warriors

This is the reverse end of the suffering spectrum. The word empowerment is everything. Fibro guerrillas are not satisfied with being a victim but struggle against all of their beings. This is a very significant instrument for anyone with chronic pain, but it seems too militant to be always recognized by certain Fibro warriors. I believe everybody ultimately will feel like Fibro warriors in the course of the disease, but it may not be the best expression for everybody every day.

3rd is Spoonies

This is a favorite of my own. The concept behind this concept is Spoon Theory, which basically says that individuals dealing with certain conditions must ration their power all day long. They measure “units” of energy in spoons, hence their name. Long before I ever heard about Spoon Theory, this concept was a component of my life. Not everyone in Fibro identifies with (or knows) spoon-theory when using this word in writing, so it can be difficult. Spoonie also applies for many different circumstances apart from Fibro, so some might not think it’s a good word for Fibro individuals to be classified.

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Understanding Fibro Community

This is a very beneficial word. This is very positive. One thing in Living with Fibromyalgia & Chronic disease that we seek to promote is the place to interact, learn and develop in this society. Fibro society is a highly united group, and it is much difficult to hear, empathize, and assist each other without that society around you. It is not a good word for individual identification that is the only problem for society. Fibro communities are nevertheless always a component of healthizes.com

Understanding Fibro Patients

You are a fibro patient when you’ve ever been to the doctor for reasons linked to Fibro. This word appears to be very clinical and means you are being treated. This can be true, but it’s just an element of a fibrous individual.

With many of these titles, this seems to be the problem. They don’t portray a person’s entire experience with fibro properly, but only one aspect of living with the condition

Is there an expression that includes all? If so, what does that mean? How do you prefer to be tackled and what do you identify with? Comment and inform us about your ideas, please below.


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