There is a NEW cure for fibromyalgia plastered on FaceBook! Yep. They have done it! AGAIN! Another cure for us fibro sufferers, for crying out loud! It is about time!!! (Really?) Well, let’s talk about this…
Ok. There is a blood test called the FM/a to diagnose fibromyalgia. This is real. Your insurance, whatever that may be, will cover the cost of this blood test.
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What does the FM/a test for? (Researcher-speak) This is a multi-biomarker-based test that analyzes your immune systems’ white blood cells’ chemokine and cytokine patterns. People with fibro have an irregular pattern regarding these proteins.
What does the FM/a test for? (Kim-speak) This test measures the proteins in your body that increase when you are ill. These proteins increase your white blood cell count considerably to fight the likes of the flu, mono, infection, etc… These measurements should prove to be erratic if you have fibromyalgia.
Next, here is the theory ‘MOJO’ statement…
The theory ‘MOJO’ statement is a promise to be admitted to their clinical trial if you test positive on the FM/a blood test.
(Researcher–speak) Take the FM/a test.
(Kim-speak) Do not rule out being tested for the FM/a test, just don’t be first in case it’s a deciding factor in the treatment you are allowed to receive! (This is not a one-size-fits-all illness!)
The result in this proposed theory will be a cure for the incurable… AND (drumroll!) they have the ONLY cure!
Just what is this cure? It is the TB vaccine. Period. Will this work? I haven’t researched one case where it has worked. I have not studied one case where it has caused any harm. Go ahead and research the TB vaccine and see if you think it may hold promise for your ‘type’ of fibromyalgia. Go ahead and get the TB vaccine if you think it might work. Just ask your doctor to administer the TB vaccine. The cost is low, the vaccine is available. There is no need for such a cryptic message of a wonderous ‘cure!’ I trust YOU to make the best decision for YOU!
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