Teeth grinding, Fibromyalgia’s painful face

By: Dr Alex Robber

People’s pain and diseases are growing nowadays. Most of the patients complained of fibromyalgia. We have some worries to tackle these patients ‘ illness, particularly when it is linked to dental health. First, we need to comprehend fibromyalgia’s significance. It is a prevalent chronic syndrome that causes extensive mental distress and musculoskeletal pain. It also created problems with sleep, mood, memory and exhaustion.

The symptoms of fibromyalgia are like arthritis, which is also a common cause of this disease’s late diagnosis, and the doctors and dentists have been confused to diagnose it. Fibromyalgia damages soft tissue while the joints are damaged by arthritis. There is still no recognized cause of this disease, and yet it has no cure. It can be regulated by medication, exercise and behavioral therapy, and it can improve the sleep disorder.

The teeth are also affected by fibromyalgia. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD) is called this disorder. It is causing serious jaw pain. Patients often fail to define the pain in their teeth as they have other health issues owing to this disease. Those individuals who lost their teeth and spent lengthy hours on the chair of the dentist know their significance and importance. Taking precautionary steps to raise consciousness, and timely therapy is very crucial to prevent complication with TMJD.

The joints that are temporomandibular connect our jaw to our skull. It is stabilized by ligaments, facial nerves, and muscles that help us close and open our mouth, talk, swallow, chew, yawn, and other tasks like this. Tenderness and pain are referred to as TMJD in or around the jaw joints.

Factors restricting the function

There are few variables in TMJD patients that limit the functions of the jaw’s joint function. The following factors are provided:    

  • Teeth don’t come together correctly.
  • Tight muscles are pulling them out of alignment because of the myofascial trigger points.
  • The muscles opposed are under pressure.
  • Teeth grinding· The joint is physically disturbed owing to degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis or trauma or an accident.
  • Dry mouth or mouth dryness (most TMJD patients complain of dry mouth and it can add significantly to making the disease worse as it can cause trouble in eating, talking, swelling and chewing. It can cause burning mouth syndrome, mouth infection or gum, dry feeling in the neck, and dental cavities).

Symptoms of TMJD

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD) symptoms include headaches, ear ringing, grinding noise, clicking, chronic muscle headaches, dizziness, nausea, and facial, head, and jaw pain. This pain may spread to the throat, ears and shoulders.

Precautionary Measures

To prevent TMJD, and particularly if you are a fibromyalgia patient, you can take few preventive steps to prevent this disease and its severity.

  • Avoid stress or depression
  • Consult your dentist on a regular basis
  • Eat a good hygienic diet
  • Be aware of your posture. Try to sit in a manner that puts the neck and head less stress.
  • Talk to your dentist about this if you take any medicine and observe its side impacts.
  • Try to drink plenty of water to prevent mouth dryness and dehydration.
  • Rest your tongue behind your mouth’s front teeth. It will reduce the teeth’s grind and become a relaxing act.
  • Do a lot of massage on your face throughout the day as it helps you relax. You can do this by placing your thumb and fingers on your cheek and trapping the muscle between your fingers and thumb.
  • Conduct excellent oral hygiene.
  • Use a mouthwash that improves saliva after consulting your dentist (saliva is a very important element. It helps with indigestion, and if there is not enough saliva it will have a serious impact on general health.


There are two types of treatment for TMJ:

  • Conservative treatments 
  • Aggressive treatments

Conservative treatment

This therapy involves few techniques named after:

  • Stress reduction
  • No chewing of gum
  • Ice packs
  • No broad yawning
  • Anti-inflammatory medicines

Aggressive treatment

When the disease becomes worse than the aggressive treatment used by doctors, this treatment procedure includes surgery or orthodontics. Before heading for surgery, it is also proposed to take the view of two to three physicians. As discussed above, there are options for the treatment of TMJD and it depends on its severity. It is very important for you to consult the doctor as soon as possible in order to preserve your mouth healthy and to avoid more complications and damage to your teeth in the event of any difficulties related to this disease. Stay Healthizes!


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