Summer Sure BLASTed By

Fibromyalgia – Summer Sure BLASTed By

Didn’t Summer Just Start?

I can not believe it’s been three months since my last Healthizes post. Wow! Where does the time go?

In spite of multiple lengthy and sucky flares, I really have had a blast this summer. I sure hope you all did too.

These last three months for me, have been about enjoying my hubby, my daughters, and my community.  It’s been about going to new places, meeting new people, and trying new things.  It’s been about self-discovery.

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Did I have you going there for a minute? Of course, I didn’t try roller derby, silly.

The hubby, kids, and I did however get out and enjoy watching our first ever live roller derby event. Thanks for having us Candy Crushers!

Believe me, I was tempted, quite a few times this summer to just give in to the pain. It was bad, a lot of time on crutches. More than once I contemplated backing out of our daily adventures (#StayCay with kids & hubby) but I didn’t.

I’m glad I didn’t. In fact, not once did I regret pushing myself out the door. I am lucky. My family believes me. Even though they can’t see my illness, they accept that it is real.

When I could walk, we walked. When I needed crutches we drove further and walked less. We explored around my fibromyalgia flareups, and for that, I am so very very grateful!

What a fantastic idea my husband had that the four of us staycation together this summer. Perfect for a limited financial budget and a limited supply of physical energy too!

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