How The Spoon Theory Helps Individuals With Chronic Pain

What is “The Spoon Theory?” The spoon theory is relatively simple: living with chronic pain is very different from living a pain-free lifestyle. That living pain-free theoretically has an unlimited number of spoons—whereas those...

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Expert Urges Women to Be Self-Advocates in Managing Pain

Pain in your neck. Pain in your back. Pain during that time of the month. We’ve all had pain, some of us more than others. But how much do you really know about how...


How Communities Are Helping Women and Families Fight the Opioid Crisis?

Whether you live in a bustling metropolis or a quiet rural area, chances are you’ve been touched by the opioid epidemic in some way—or you will be. While many people can safely use prescription...

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Questions to Ask Before and After Surgery

Why Does Communication Matter to Doctors and Patients Before and After Surgery? Hospitalization and surgery are demanding life events that lead to considerable stress and anxiety in patients. The fear of the “unknown” is...


New High-Frequency Spinal Cord Stimulation Surpasses Traditional Model

There’s a new spinal cord stimulation “sheriff” in town, and its name is Senza HF10. According to the Academy of Pain Management, this new spinal cord stimulation (SCS) therapy uses a higher frequency (10...


Vertebroplasty Relieves Pain For Multiple Myeloma Patients

Multiple myeloma is cancer that forms in plasma cells. As a type of white blood cell, plasma cells are responsible for creating antibodies that attack germs and fight off infections. Multiple myeloma infiltrates healthy...


CBD Here, There, Everywhere! CBD and Women’s Health

As you may have noticed, products with CBD are now touted for all sorts of conditions, including pain relief (for fibromyalgia, for example), anxiety, depression, insomnia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and cancer. But how effective is...