Love, Men, and Fibromyalgia

Love, Men, and Fibro

***WARNING*** This installment is for readers 18 and over because it contains adult topics. Thank you for your understanding.

Though this article does not touch on fibromyalgia and love directly I think it is still a very important article to read because it discusses why we women sometimes are not open with our men when it comes to love .

Something I cannot stress enough, and I’ve stressed it in my books and articles on this subject religiously, is that you have to have open communication with your partner. Likes and dislikes can change over the years– or in a fibromite’s case– it can happen daily so never be afraid to speak up.

This OBGYN is spot on and she completely coincides with my views about men in relationships. Your man should be asking early and often in your Love relationship what you like. And yes, it’s even better if he asks you to show him. Men sometimes need– pardon the pun– hands-on experience to learn for next time.

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Hey everyone!  This is not going to be a normal post because I wanted to drop in and post an apology to Y’all! Last week I was involved with a Giving Thanks Romance promotion and some authors were really nice to let you all know about it via social media outlets. MANY of you have been following me on those sites for about a decade (Well… it’s going to be near two in a bit– but who’s counting 😉 LOL!) so I really want to make sure you see this apology. To make a long story short– I was GROSSLY misinformed by the coordinator how many books were involved and once I found out just how misleading the promotion had become, I pulled out my book. I am very sorry that I did that but I live by integrity as you die-hard fans of my writing know and I’d never, EVER want to mislead any reader. I am very grateful for all of the support, emails, PMs, likes, and shares by all of you! Having said that,

FF: Hi Ali! First off, welcome to Fibro and Fabulous! Please let the readers know a little bit about yourself and your company Norwex. AB: Hi everyone! My name is Alison Buonome but you can call me Ali. I live in Vernon, CT and I am a busy mom to 5-year-old twin boys. I have lots of messes to clean and love my Norwex products. I used to despise cleaning but Norwex makes it so easy and I don’t have to worry about my family being exposed to chemicals! Norwex’s mission statement is “Safe, Effective, Sustainable”. Yep, that’s it. Our commitment to a brighter future starts with our product mission. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice effectiveness or sustainability when you choose a safer product. So we won’t put the Norwex label on it unless it meets all three criteria. FF: What made you decide to get into the Norwex business? AB: As I said above, I am a mom to 5-year-old twins boys. My boys were born prematurely at 33 weeks. I would put my kids to bed, go straight to the bed.

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