Kicking and Screaming Toward the Fibromyalgia Half-Century Mark

Kicking and Screaming Toward the Fibromyalgia Half-Century Mark

As I am reluctantly dragged, kicking, and screaming toward the half-century mark…side note: boy do I wish I had the strength to actually physically resist, kick and scream right now ? … I think of the many ways that I’ve changed.

I prefer to think of it (for the most part) as evolving. That I’ve become wiser as I’ve aged.

In spite of the many things life has taught me and my continued progress toward “wise old owl designation”, two things remain constant.

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I’ve lived my life believing that honesty is the best policy and I feel joy when I’m helping someone.

You would think being diagnosed with the F word (Fibromylagia), has been the biggest hurdle I’ve faced this past year but it’s not.

I am working on acceptance. I am working on evolving. I am trying to build a new life. One where we co-exist, my buddy Fibro and me. I am learning to LIVE with Fibromyalgia.

Sorry…that’s another glorious part of my new life…difficulty focusing and am easily distracted…now where was I?

Right, the biggest hurdle that I’ve faced and am still facing is having to deal with dishonesty in the guise of being helpful. It’s like a double whammy for me.

I can’t imagine what it must be like to live a life posing as someone helpful when in reality you’re doing the complete opposite.  It must be a lonely life.  I wonder what they see when they look in the mirror?

Now, this is one of the ways I’ve become wiser. There was a time I would have wished bad things for someone like that, now I feel sorry for them.  Never knowing the joy of truly helping people.

You will not break me. I will never stop believing that honesty is the best policy. In the end, honesty will prevail over lies, ALWAYS.

For so many years I had it wrong. Failure was an option. As long as I gave it my best shot, and so I will.

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