Fibromyalgia Leg Pain

Do you suffer from fibromyalgia leg pain?  Pain that is associated with the tender points and trigger points in multiple sites? Although we often refer to them as tender POINTS, they are actually more like tender AREAS.

These areas of pain often occur within and around the muscle. Trigger points and myofascial pain in the legs can also contribute to what we often refer to as the “lumps and bumps” in fibromyalgia.

I have yet to meet someone with fibromyalgia that has merely a POINT of pain or tenderness. (However, both tender points and widespread pain areas are still used for diagnosis) And because tender points differ from trigger points, refer also to the ‘trigger points’ article for a more in-depth discussion on TRP’s in fibromyalgia.

Now, most people with fibro describe an “area” of pain that radiates to the surrounding tendons or trigger points. Often there is an involvement with an associated tendon, ligament, or TRP (trigger point). This is what causes the pain to radiate or extend.

Let’s take for example the tender points on the inside of the knee. This area can extend on average from 2-4 inches above and below the inside of the knee. So, it really makes more sense for reference to call this an AREA of pain, especially when it comes to working solutions.

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Certain Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Can Exacerbate Fibromyalgia Leg Pain

Yes, there are many tender points in the lower extremity of the fibro body. Certain ADL’s (Activities of Daily Living) can exacerbate these tender AREAS. 

Examples are sitting for extended periods, standing in one place, displacement OR shifting of weight while standing, driving, travel, cleaning activities, etc. 

What else can exacerbate fibromyalgia leg pain? Trigger points, inactivity, loss of muscle mass, lower back pain, sciatica, SI joint involvement, certain medications, cold/flu, and more. The interesting thing about fibromyalgiarelated leg pain is that it doesn’t matter whether you are standing, sitting, or lying down.

The propensity for pain in the lower quadrant of the fibro body is just greater due to trigger points woven within layers of muscle and extremely tender areas that are not directly related to any activity or exercise. 

The longest and most widely used muscle in the leg (otherwise known as the Sartorius muscle in the quadricep area) is responsible for much of our mobility in the lower quadrant of the fibro body. Here in the adjacent picture, I have hi-listed these areas that cause the most pain within the lower fibro body

When this muscle and the surrounding muscles become de-conditioned, everything around this area also weakens including tendons and ligaments.

Agility can be lost and these “areas” of interest become wider still (as shown in the adjacent graphic), with the tender point pain spreading both above and below the actual point location on the inside of the knee. 

The tender points within the buttock area can also radiate pain down the leg, often on the sides and back of the legs. Hip and leg pain can result because the Illiotibial band (outside of legs) runs from the hip area down the side of each leg and when this area is tight can cause stabbing pain and severe stiffness.

Weakness and/or shortening in the hip abductors can also cause extreme tightness and decreased mobility. Illiotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) can occur in athletes through repetition and overuse but this painful condition is not uncommon for people with fibromyalgia.

Now, this is where there is some controversy. Is the fibro worsening OR are these points/areas of the fibro body becoming weaker? Are you suffering from Chronic Myofascial Pain on top of fibromyalgia? That could be the reason that you feel your leg pain is getting worse, as there are many layers of trigger points in the lower body.

One thing to consider with fibromyalgia and leg pain is that any position we stay in too long, like sitting or standing can increase pain and activate trigger points. The tender points will always be there on some level, but it is the trigger points that become activated from repetitive movements or being in one position too long.

I say it often, I highly recommend not sitting for long first thing in the morning. When we go from lying in bed to sitting first thing in the morning, this only creates more stiffness in the lower back, hips, legs, and knees. 

I had to start thinking outside of the box and this is when I set out to create fibro-specific exercises and start working with my fibromyalgia leg pain in a way that I had not previously done. This doesn’t mean that we can “cure” ALL pain through conditioning of the body, but when strength and agility are lost, everything suffers. So now we must look at what will counteract this phenomenon that has become so common in fibro today.

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Consistent Conditioning for the fibro body

People ask “how do you work out with fibro?” However, the greater question needs to be “how do we not?” This is never all or nothing. 

I sure do get it. But see, we have to approach this condition in terms of conditioning, not merely temporary pain relief. Essentially, we want and need to create more LONG-TERM pain relief and subsequent independence as we age with a chronic illness.

This is well verified and why I became a fitness trainer and studied extensively to create fibro-specific exercises and routines while also incorporating ways to lessen the severity of everyday activities that can worsen leg pain.

Often, by the end of any given day, fibromyalgia leg pain can be even greater than upper body pain. Although they definitely inter-relate, after standing or prolonged sitting at a job or computer, the legs and tendons are often the first to be affected.

It is important to know that it’s the everyday activities that can be detrimental to a fibro body and not the conditioning through safe and effective exercise. There are some activities of daily living such as cleaning a bathtub or lifting heavy objects improperly that really can be detrimental to a fibro body, whereas focused fitness training actually ‘protects’ the body and builds a stronger resilience and foundation.

What about tender areas and bruising?

Bruising and tenderness can occur with leg pain, especially if you tend to varicose veins which will cause more pressure around these vulnerable areas. Although we want to be careful of any invasive procedures for vein health, it can be helpful to address if bulging veins or even spider veins become more prominent. This can occur with both men and women. 

Some Other Symptom Treatments For Fibromyalgia Leg Pain

Myofascial Treatment

It can be helpful to experiment with light “rolling” on a foam roller OR work with a therapist who is experienced in myofascial release. It does not always have to be extremely painful to ‘work’ these areas, but there is benefit in learning how to work with these affected points/areas in a way that is healing, not detrimental to the fibro body.

Bowen Therapy done by a massage therapist trained in Bowen can also be very beneficial. With Bowen therapy, the body learns to adjust and relax to muscle stimulation and release. Many people report positive results from Bowen therapy and we highly recommend giving it a try. 

Tender Points Treatment

Another helpful Rx is using compression wear on the legs and knees whenever needed, even before and after exercise. We have been experimenting with various types of compression over the past few years, using compression socks, sleeves and also making our own by cutting up old socks and other pieces of material to find what works best at various rates of compression. This can increase circulation, soothe “tender” tendons and ease pain in the affected areas. 

Low back pain is obviously a different subject than fibromyalgia leg pain except in one respect. Low back pain often involves the sciatica nerve which can radiate severe pain down one leg or the other.  

I have recently experimented with a particular type of pressure point therapy that provides considerable relief. It is the Nature’s Pillows BeActive brace. I like to wear it at night and sometimes through the night, I find that I really do have less low back and leg pain in the mornings. 

If you are greatly affected by fibromyalgia leg pain, there are many ways that you can support this area through movement, strength, and focused range of motion exercises.

The remedies often used to deal with the pain (salt bath, natural anti-inflammatories of any kind, light massage, etc.) can be helpful to get us through, but it becomes really essential to create and utilize a consistent program of re-conditioning on whatever level is possible for EVERY fibro body. 

And because tender points are different from trigger points (TRPs) in the leg region.

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