Fibromyalgia Colors Red + Blue = Purple

Every color in the color wheel has effects on us both physically and emotionally are very important in our lives as they directly influence our well-being and mood. We often hear people say that they are red hot mad, tickled pink, green with envy or ask someone why so blue? (sad).  There have been so many studies showing the positive and the negative effects color can have on us.

Red color

Red reminds me of heat like running a temperature. It is the color of fire and blood. I think of anger or even a strong emotion out of control cry.

Red is strong, powerful, often associated with energy, warmth, anger, danger, aggression, excitement, passion, and love.

What’s good about it?  It has been proved that color can have a physical effect on a body. It stimulates the body (including circulation, intestine, and appetite), and raises the heart rate. Red increases muscle tone promotes the pulse, raises blood pressure, promotes blood circulation, excretion of adrenaline.

What’s bad about it? It can cause high blood pressure, heart conditions, sleep problems, epilepsy, asthma, deepens breathing, and can cause headaches.

It can activate the “fight or flight” instinct.

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Remember most villains wear red.

Blue color

Blue makes me think of the lake, beautiful blue skies, my ice packs, a record my mom had called Navy Blue, tears, feeling sad, and black & blue marks on the body.  Wow, talk about mixed emotions. It truly gives me happy thoughts and very depressing ones.

Blue affects us mentally and is essentially soothing, rather than the physical reaction we have to read. It is considered to have both negative and positive psychological effects on the mind

What’s good about it?  Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and coolness, calmness peace, relaxation, slowing down, steadying, self-expression, intuition, honesty, truth, cleansing, soothing, gets rid of nervous tension.  promotes human metabolism, (suppresses appetite), quietness, slowing heart rate, reducing respiratory rhythm, encouraging mental activity, concentration, they say it is the color of peace and rest. Blue is supposed to be able to help with infections with fever or inflammation, stings, headaches, period pains, insomnia, stress, anxiety, obsessions, psychoses, and learning difficulties.

What’s bad about it? Blue is cold, aloof, and withdrawn. It can make a person feel cold, sad,  unemotional, and unfriendly. Too much dark blue can lead to depression and loneliness.

Remember most heroes wear blue. 

Purple color

I loved purple when I was a teenager. My bedroom walls were lavender and the bed cover, curtains, etc were white with lavender flowers.  I moved to Northern Wisconsin and learned I am not supposed to like Purple because it stood for the rival football team.

Purple is a mixture of the peace, spirituality, and stability that comes from blue and the energy, heat, aggression, and anger from the red colors.

What’s bad about it? In a negative sense, purple is thought of as arrogance, conceit, gaudiness, inferiority, immaturity, corruption, delusions of grandeur, and the social climber.

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Too much dark purple can bring on moodiness, frustration, gloom, and sad feelings. It can cause frustration. It is associated with nightmares and addictions.

What’s good about it? Lighter purples balance the mind, bring peace, inspiration, spirituality, clarity, and compassion. Light purple evokes romantic and nostalgic feelings.

Purples have been used in the care of mental nervous disorders because they have been shown to help balance the mind and transform obsessions and fears.

It is believed to be helpful for exhaustion, migraines, stress, anxiety, and low self-esteem.  A purple room can boost a child’s imagination or an artist’s creativity.

If you are having trouble sleeping try using a light purple light bulb in the lamp by your bed.

Purple is associated with royalty. wisdom, mystery, magic, and ambition. The Purple Heart is a U.S. Military decoration given to soldiers wounded in battle.

There is a very long list of various diseases and conditions that use purple Awareness ribbons.  Some of them are Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Neuropathy, and many more.

Even the essential oil Lavender is used as a calming, relaxing tool.

Now, many years later after being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia purple gives me the feeling of belonging, unity, and strength.

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