By: Dr Alex Robber
Finally, you have fallen asleep at the middle of the night. Even if it’s just a doze. Then you shout out of pain because your leg and foot have cramped hard. Your toes are so heavily contracting into weird positions. The pain is so intense that to stretch your toes back to normal, you cannot even put your feet on the ground or against the wall. Your leg’s muscle cramps are so strong that it oddly resembles labor pains. Sometimes, like contractions, it even seems to ebb and flow in the same way. The pain eventually subsides, but during the night it occurs a few more times.
The Journal of Integrative Medicine reported on a research of magnesium performed at the Mayo Clinic and its impacts on fibromyalgia. The first research of its kind examined how efficient topical magnesium is to alleviate six distinct symptoms of fibromyalgia, including muscle cramps. The research discovered that patients with fibromyalgia experienced enhancement after only two weeks of continuous use after introducing a solution called “Fibro Flex” to their skin. The improvement was maintained for the four-week duration of the study.
This study confirmed current medical research, which states that maintaining therapeutic serum magnesium concentrations has been associated with a reduction in symptoms of fibromyalgia including depression, tender point score, and fatigue, “the National Fibromyalgia Association suggests. Other than some skin irritation where the spray was applied, there were no other adverse side effects experienced by test subjects. Since most people in the West are suffering from a magnesium deficiency, this could be useful for more than just fibromyalgia muscle cramps. TENS Machines & EMS Devices
If you’re like me, it didn’t sound familiar remotely to a TENS machine. I first came across it in a fibromyalgia forum where I believed it was misspelled by somebody. But then I found that many times in my life, especially at the chiropractor’s office, I used something comparable. Are you aware of what I am speaking about? I mean, when you go to the chiropractor, they will hook you up to the small electrodes It almost feels like flexing and relaxing your muscles with electricity. I must always hold myself in a very small environment because I’m so delicate. They’re really useful, though. And you can now get them at home for personal use. These are called EMS devices that assist boost muscle blood flow, boost movement variety, and more. For fibro patients, it can be a life saver!
In order to avoid pain signals from reaching the brain, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) sends stimulating pulses across skin and nerve strands. Take it in for a minute. Now, think about this: it is also used to boost the body to generate more endorphins or murderers of natural pain. A main distinction between a TENS machine and EMS systems is that you’re wearing your body’s TENS machine. There’s no worry, it’s tiny. But as an option to pharmaceutical pain relievers, many patients with fibromyalgia discover it very useful and efficient. In other words, the treatment of pain is secure, non-invasive, and drug-free.
There are other ways to relieve the frequently debilitating and agonizing muscle cramps / spasms pain that accompany fibromyalgia. It is noted that vitamin E is very useful for muscle cramping, particularly for those living a rather sedentary life. Many have had excellent success with the prescription drug Lyrica, which is still one of the most common drugs used to treat fibromyalgia.
Other alternatives are available, such as acupressure. Some patients with fibro have learned how to do this on their own. But to get some direction, you will need to start by visiting a quality acupuncturist or acupressure’s first. To keep the muscles stretched and mobile, yoga is extremely useful. This results in increased blood flow and reduces cramping. It operates entirely for some patients with fibro. Not overdoing it and listening to your body are the keys. The Bowen technique, also known as Bowen therapy, is another alternative. Similar to acupressure, to encourage healing and pain relief, this method utilizes smooth rolling motions. It is so efficient that even for horses it is used!
Do you have any experience with these fibromyalgia and leg cramps treatment techniques? Which assisted you, and which did you fail? Did you find another method or technique that works for you? Please share with us your ideas. You may have stumbled on something that could assist fellow fibromyalgia patients cope with their fibromyalgia and cramps on their legs. Stay Heatlhizes!
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