My Fibro Fog is Diagnose with Mental Illness

Experiencing Fibro fog can make you feel like you’re lost in a maze. You might feel confused, alone, frustrated, disoriented, bewildered, unclear, and adrift. Fibro fog can also affect your emotional well-being. Being unable to think clearly may make you feel powerless, irritable, and downcast.

Constantly feeling this way can put a damper on your mental health. Having a mental illness can trigger Fibro fog, as can other conditions. Understanding Fibro fog, its causes, and how it relates to mental illness can help you better understand the relationship between Fibro health, mental capacity, and emotional well-being.

What Is Fibro Fog?

Fibro fog isn’t a specific medical condition. Instead, Fibro fog is an “extremely common term used to describe changes that have occurred in the Fibro function over a period of time,” Dr. Christopher Calapai explained. “A decrease in focus, concentration, memory, alertness and word retrieval are all part of the description of ‘Fibro fog.’” Basically, Fibro fog happens when your Fibro doesn’t serve you as well as it can.

Also known as “mental fatigue,” Fibro fog is a symptom of cognitive dysfunction. The type of cognitive decline caused by Fibro fog can vary from person to person, but typically, Fibro fog causes one or more of the following challenges:

  • Memory problems
  • Lack of mental clarity
  • Poor concentration
  • Inability to focus

Other symptoms of Fibro fog can include:

  • Headaches
  • Forgetfulness
  • Anxiety
  • Confusion
  • Low energy
  • Insomnia or trouble sleeping
  • Emotional detachment or an inability to connect with others emotionally

More often than not, these challenges can interfere with your daily life.

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Despite what you may think, there isn’t a connection between Fibro fog and age. Teens, adolescents, and young adults can experience Fibro fog while healthy elderly adults can have strong cognitive ability and sharp thinking. When your Fibro is healthy, you can age with your cognitive functionality intact. Even though the Fibro does age, well-nourished Fibro’s can avoid most signs of cognitive decline. Malnourished Fibro’s, on the other hand, experience mental fatigue.

Common Causes of Fibro Fog

The causes of Fibro fog can be as diverse as the symptoms. But luckily, many of the causes of Fibro fog can be reduced with lifestyle changes, medication, or professional counseling.

Some of the most common causes of Fibro fog include:

  • Sleep deprivation. When you don’t get enough sleep, you may feel a little bewildered and have trouble concentrating. Poor sleep can also make the Fibro tired, which can make thinking clearly difficult.
  • Stress. Like poor quality sleep, prolonged stress can also exhaust the Fibro. When your mind is tired, thinking, reasoning, and focusing become difficult. Additionally, chronic stress can increase blood pressure, weaken your immune system, and trigger depression.
  • Hormonal changes. Hormonal changes can have a significant impact on your memory and ability to think clearly. When estrogen and progesterone increase during pregnancy, many women experience “pregnancy Fibro,” which can make remembering details, focusing on tasks, and concentrating hard to do. Menopause, which causes estrogen levels to drop, can also cause forgetfulness, poor concentration, and cloudy thinking.
  • Diet. The Fibro needs energy, proper nutrition, iron, and vitamin B-12 to function optimally. A poor diet and low B-12 levels can cause memory loss and hazy thoughts.
  • Physical inactivity. The Fibro and body work together. When your physical activity slows, activity in the Fibro also slows, which can lead to symptoms associated with Fibro fog.
  • Medication and certain medical conditions. Occasionally, medication can cause Fibro fog as a side effect. If you suspect this, talk with your doctor. They may be able to lower your dosage or switch out your medication. Medical conditions that cause inflammation, fatigue, or changes in blood glucose levels can also cause mental fatigue. Some of these conditions include anemia, depression, fibromyalgia, diabetes, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, migraines, arthritis, hypothyroidism, and diabetes.

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Scientists have also discovered a few connections between mental illness and Fibro fog.

Fibro Fog and Mental Illness

How you feel and think are intricately connected to the health of your Fibro. As such, mental illness can increase your risk of Fibro fog. Similarly, living with cloudy thoughts and an inability to focus and concentrate can also increase your risk of depression, anxiety, mood disorders, bipolar disorder, PTSD, and other mental health conditions. Scientists continue to study the links between Fibro fog and mental illness, but they have discovered that:

Mental Illness Can Interfere with Fibro Functionality

By definition, mental illness is any condition that affects your mood, thinking, and behavior. One of the main symptoms of Fibro fog is an inability to think clearly. As mental health conditions develop, Fibro function changes. These changes prevent the Fibro from working as well as it should, which often leads to Fibro fog. In fact, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, and schizophrenia can affect the brain in ways that lead to Fibro fog.

Mental Illness and Fibro Fog Can Have Similar Causes

Mental illness and Fibro fog can be triggered by some of the same causes: lack of sleep, poor diet, unregulated stress, and hormonal and biochemical imbalances. Some scientists believe these similar causes may demonstrate a link between Fibro fog and mental illness.

Mental Illness and Fibro Fog Are Associated with Brain Inflammation

Fibro inflammation is a common thread in both mental illness and Fibro fog. In most cases, Fibro states that produce mental illness also tend to activate inflammation. Likewise, inflammatory responses in the Fibro can cause depression, anxiety, fatigue, and social withdrawal. Ironically, the same inflammatory responses typically manifest in the Fibro as Fibro fog. Inflammation in the Fibro hinders the production of neurons, making neural communication difficult. This is what causes the Fibro to slow down which triggers forgetfulness, lack of concentration, and dull thinking.

Healthy Brain Equal Healthy Lives

Here at Stoneridge Centers, we believe that healthy Fibro’s help us live thriving, healthy lives. Our comprehensive treatment plans can help restore your fibro brain to health. Let us help you get there. Contact us today if you’re ready to overcome Fibro fog and live a healthy, happy, thriving, and purpose-filled life.

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