Have you done or used anything that increases your energy while suffering from fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue?


I had fibromyalgia symptoms for 15 years before I was diagnosed. At that time, I took a course of physical therapy where I did the Wharton stretch method, where you put a strap around your ankle, stretch your leg, and then gently use the strap to extend the stretch for a second. This, combined with a slow, progressive walking program where I extended the length of my walk over time improved my energy and pain levels to almost normal.

After that, I had a car accident which put me into a fibromyalgia crisis and I’ve never reached that former level of health. I gained weight, and what helped my energy levels next was having a sleep study and getting CPAP. Later I was diagnosed with Wilson’s Thyroid syndrome and started on T3. That helped my energy somewhat.

in 2005 I went to Africa as a missionary. I discovered that I am a mosquito magnet. I had malaria 8 times and intestinal parasites several more times, and all the antibiotics led to a massive reduction in energy, which caused me to come home after 7 years on my dream job.

That made me believe that an abnormal gut biome has something to do with the disease, and might be a leading component. To that end, I did the challenging GAPS diet for 2 years, and while it has not improved my energy levels, it has greatly improved my bowel symptoms.

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Before that, about 5 years ago, I did a juice fast for 5 days. For the first 3 days, I went into a massive detox and had huge pain and fatigue. Then for 2 days, I felt like a 30-year-old again. I had energy and motivation! It was amazing! But I developed bruises all over my body. I called my fibromyalgia specialist, Dr. Joanne Pizzino, who is in Cary, NC, and she called the True North Clinic in Santa Rosa CA, which specializes in supervised fasting.

They told her that juice fasting is contraindicated when you are taking blood thinners because it acts as a blood thinner itself. As I am taking both aspirin and Plavix after having had a heart stent, I sadly had to stop the juice fast, and all my symptoms came crashing back.

At the time I juice fast I was doing Dr. Joel Fuhrmans vegan diet, at Dr. Pizzino’s urging. She had me watch the movie Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead first. I did that for a year, and while on that, my energy improved to the point that I could walk again, and I worked up to a 45 minute fairly brisk walk.

Since I got off it, my energy levels have faded to nothing, and I’ve developed cardiac symptoms. I think my heart is now driving my health. I’ll have to go back to the vegan diet to establish that.

There is also a lot of research being done on antiviral treatment. I recommend everyone with Fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue read Cort Johnson’s excellent, encouraging, well-researched blog: Health Rising. He mentions 2 doctors who are having success with that. Dr. John Chia is in California and Dr. William Pridgen is working in Alabama.

Another resource is Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, who is in Hawaii and cured himself of chronic fatigue. I found Dr. Pizzino through his list of fibromyalgia practitioners. Sadly, he is into the business of selling his own supplements and I think he emphasizes them too much in his treatment protocols.

But what he does do is parenteral nutrition: an IV cocktail that bypasses your leaky gut. Dr. Pizzino has expanded his original small cocktail of stuff and if you are within range of her clinic, she could help you, if you can afford her. She doesn’t take insurance, and the IV cocktails need to be taken on a weekly basis.

I lived too far away from her, and couldn’t do her whole program, and went back to Uganda in the middle of it. The moral of that story is don’t start treatment unless you can finish it.

Another treatment that helped me a lot is Ondamed, which is electrical biofeedback. Ideally, it is given every other week. I had 4 treatments, one by Dr. Pizzino and 3 by a man based in Greenville NC who came to St Louis every few months.

His treatments really helped my pain and energy levels but they were not regular enough to be effective. Then he stopped coming. I think if you could purchase the $16,000 equipment, take the classes and treat yourself that would be the best way to go.

To sum up, I think that a two-pronged approach of looking at antiviral treatment and parenteral nutrition treatment or fasting is the most promising possibility for a cure. The True North clinic could probably cure you. Failing that, watch the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, and do the juice fast.


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