Challenges with Fibromyalgia and ME / CFS Phone Conversations

Did you hate speaking on the phone since you have chronic fatigue syndrome or have fibromyalgia? It is often said that they have a particularly difficult time concentrating on telephone discussions.

Understanding Factors That Contribute to Phone Aversion

You don’t get any non-verbal signals when you’re on the phone, that comes in face-to-face discussion. Communication specialists agree that most of the communication is non-verbal, and your brain has to work harder to understand what is said when you remove all of those verbal signals. Perhaps the foggy brains cannot pick up this focus level.

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We are often in distracting environments. You hear a lot about “multitasking,” which doesn’t really mean the brain does several kinds of stuff simultaneously. In fact, the brain changes from one job to another, even in healthy persons, according to specialists. Multitasking is often difficult for FMS and ME / CFS brains.

The prevalent linguistic issues of fibromyalgia and ME / CFS with reminders of words can make discussion complicated and stressful. You can worsen your symptoms if you fear forgetting common words or lose your thinking skills.

Understanding Social Interaction.

The hand, arm, shoulder, neck, or even ear can be very painful when keeping the phone. Some devices get really warm that could bother people with heat allodynia (temperature pain that usually would not cause pain). Luckily, a lot of this is possible with speakerphones and headsets.

If language impairment occurs, it may be simpler to write than speak. Then you can spend more time, sorting out and proofreading your bogus ideas. In addition, you can retain referrals if needed when you receive written messages. When you read them, you may also remember stuff better.

Understanding Precautions

Try to eliminate all distractions that you can if you have to use the phone. Go to the peaceful space and closed the door, perhaps even the light. If certain data needs to be relayed, create notes and maintain them with you in advance. Take notes to assist you to recall data. This avoids frustrations, such as a physician’s appointment or a friend’s plans, and then forgets about information when you get up.

If you have telephone issues, it can be helpful to let the individuals you talk to learn about them commonly. Let them know that it isn’t because you ignored him when you ask him to repeat something. You might also be encouraging them, especially when they know you haven’t felt well, to give you texts or e-mails instead of calling. Especially for long-distance calls or discussions, it might be worth exploring Skype.

You can request reasonable accommodation from your employer if you need to use your mobile as part of your work. That may include stuff such as hands-free phones or demands for instructions to be given in writing instead of via mobile. (Yes, the American Disability Act DOES apply to you!)

Studies showed that it is a bad idea for everyone, even if it is free of hands, to speak on their cell phones while driving. Although it is not specifically examined, it appears secure that we are particularly hazardous when it comes to talking while driving when we have communication-based cognitive dysfunction.

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