Category: Fibromyalgia Diagnosis 0

Stress that Causes the Hypothalamus may lead to Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is primarily a neurological brain disorder. It is seven times more likely to strike women than men, and it doesn’t matter what nationality you are. The hypothalamus part of the brain acts as... 0

In my Experience, Fibromyalgia Pain Can Happen in any Part of your Body.

I’ve had it for about 29 years now. In a word—-Pain. Never-ending, constant pain. Your shoulder will suddenly start to hurt, which can last for a few seconds to days. That can happen in... 0

Fibromyalgia makes me Exhausting, Frustrating, Difficult, Painful, Embarrassing and Limiting

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1992, long before it was trendy and before many physicians even acknowledged it as a true medical condition. I was 16 and couldn’t understand how people could play... 0

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia by a Physiatrist who told me that he couldn’t help me.

I’ve had fibromyalgia since the 1980s. It came on gradually, with a lot of muscle pain. I knew something was wrong and had a course of physical therapy, and started working out, which put... 0

Have any incidents or trauma in your life that bought on your Fibromyalgia?

Story of Fibromyalgia Support Group Warrior ABSOLUTELY!!! December 2009 thru January 2010…..I was employed at a Major grocery retail store’s food warehouse (not naming names, but a little hint would be they are based...