Category: Fibromyalgia Diagnosis 0

Linking together the causes of fibromyalgia: “Central Sensitization”

“The amygdala in the emotional center sees and hears everything that occurs to us instantaneously and is the trigger point for the fight or flight response “, Daniel Goleman. Many years ago I had... 0

Fibromyalgia and ear, dizziness and vertigo problems

“The ear is the avenue to the heart”, Voltaire Just as I thought I had experienced everything unusual with regard to this annoying, frustrating, challenging dis-ease, fibromyalgia, I developed another aggravating symptom- VERTIGO! It all... 0

Fibromyalgia: ‘Women’ and ‘Men’ Differences?

“The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history”, George Eliot I have based my unproven theory about why more women than men are diagnosed with fibromyalgia upon a feminist analysis of the political and...