Blue Badges is now available for the first time to people with hidden disabilities

By: Dr. Alexa James

Fibromyalgia is the second most common disease that affects your bones and muscles. However, it is usually misunderstood and misdiagnosed. His classic symptoms are generalized pain and fatigue of muscle and joint. There is no cure. There’s no cure. However, a combination of medication, practice, stress management, and healthy habits can alleviate your symptoms to the point of leading a normal active life.

It is not known by physicians why, but some believe it is a problem in the manner in which your brain and spinal cord process nerve pain signals. Osteoarthritis, bursitis, and tendinitis may feel similar to fibromyalgia. However, pain and steepness could be all over your body instead of hurting in a specific area.

There is no test to confirm that you have fibromyalgia. It is available. Instead, your doctor will want to rule out illnesses such as under-acting thyroid, various kinds of arthritis, and lupus because the symptoms are so similar to other conditions. You may perform your blood tests to check hormones, swelling signs, and x-rays.

Extended entitlement and simplified Blue Badges application process

  • The Blue Badge expansion scheme is now in force in England, making journeys easier for non-visible people
  • A new check on the eligibility of people applying for badges was launched.
  • In almost 50 years the scheme has changed the most.

For the first time ever (30 Aug. 2019) Blue Badge can be submitted to people with hidden disabilities, including anxiety disorders or brain injury. Apply for or renew a Blue Badge

The Department of Transportation (DfT), together with a new online eligibility checker, issued new guidance to the Councils of England on eligibility for the Blue Badge parking permit to clarify the scheme before it applies.

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People with a Blue Badge

If one or more of the following applies, you may qualify for a badge:

  • At all, you can’t walk
  • Without someone else help or mobility supports, you can’t walk
  • Due to pain, breathlessness or time it takes you find walking very difficult.            
  • Your health and safety are dangerous for walking.
  • You’re terminally ill, so you can’t walk or find it very difficult to walk and you have the form of DS15006.
  • In both arms and driving you are severely disabled regularly, but pay-for-display parking engines cannot be used
  • You have a child under 3 with a medical condition meaning that the child must always be accompanied with bulky medical facilities
  • In case of emergency medical treatment, you have a child under the age of 3 with a medical condition that means that the child must always be kept near the vehicle.          
  • You are a significant risk for yourself or others in cars, traffic or parking constantly.          
  • So You have a hard time planning or continuing a journey
  • You find it hard or impossible, and not aware of the impact you may have on others, to control your actions.
  • So You regularly respond intensely and overwhelmingly to situations that result in temporary behavioral contour control
  • You are often very anxious or afraid of public / open spaces

If you are eligible for a card, your local council will decide. You can not initiate the evaluation process until all the necessary evidence is available. You can evaluate your application in 12 weeks or longer. You can ask them to re-examine your application if they choose not to be eligible and believe that they did not take account of all the facts.

Fibromyalgia and disability

Fibromyalgia (FM) is one of the more difficult conditions for disability approval. Your case will require medical documents and a doctor because the symptoms are frequently self-reported. But a successful FM claim can be made. All disability applications are evaluated by the SSA. When examining your case, the SSA will determine whether you have an FM impairment that is medically determinable (MDI).

The claim for disability due to FM is very comprehensive. They consist of symptoms that must be severe and present for at least three months, documented evidence that excludes other conditions, and statements on your daily activities from you and from others.

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Blue badge parking Recap

Under the Department of Transportation (DfT) plans, Blue Bill Parking Permits may soon be entitled to persons with hidden disabilities. The government said the proposals would facilitate traveling to work, socializing, and access shops and services in England for persons with conditions such as dementia and autism. Since it was launched in 1970, the move is hoped to be the largest change in the blue badge system and contribute to equal treatment for physical and mental health.

The DfT said that councils differ from existing rules with only certain disabilities recognized. In England, approximately 2.4 million people with disabilities have a blue badge. In pay-and-display bays and on yellow lines, they can be stayed free of charge for up to three hours while in London holders were exempt from paying blocking charges.

About three out of four blue badge holders say, according to DfT, that they would leave less often if they didn’t have one. In the context of changes to an eight-week public debate, a wider range of medical professionals carry out Blue Badge assessments, which can detect whether mental illness causes mobility problems.

Jesse Norman, Transport Minister said, “Blue Bills give disabled people the freedom to find jobs, see friends or go to shops as easily as possible. “We want to try to extend this to people with undetectable disabilities so that they can benefit from the freedom to go where they want.”

The National Autistic Society head of policy, Sarah Lambert, welcomed the proposal and said it might be a lifeline for many autistic persons who often do not qualify according to the existing regulations, as a result of modifying parking permits access. If autists cannot park in an expected location near their destination, they may experience anxiety, and some may “experience too much information” on public transport from their environment, Lambert said. “We hope that this important change will be made by the government and hope to work with them to make sure autistic people and their families benefit.”

Here are the persons eligible for amendments

  • persons who are not able to travel without “a risk that their health or safety will suffer seriously” or that of other persons, including children with autism.
  • People who experience’ very significant psychological distress’ on a journey
  • people with significant difficulties walking, covering “both the physical and the walking experiences

People with hidden disabilities will be able to apply for a Blue Badge in 2019.

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