Another Day Another Dollar

Another Day Another Dollar – Fibromyalgia

Or so my father used to say.  For me it’s more like during a flare; another day another dollar less.  Keep reminding myself that I must stay away from wallowing. These days it’s sooooo tempting to lie in bed and give me over to the pain. That’d be so much easier than trying to remain upright.

Not going to do it; maybe some other day but not today. Today I will push through the pain and swim to the surface. On the surface, I shall remain!

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First I’m going to pacify myself with a teeny tiny bit of complaining. I have laryngitis right now. That’s not the problem. The inability to speak above a whisper and the aching vocal cords are more of an annoyance than terribly painful. The problem is that more than likely this is just a precursor of more fun things to come… those my friend are problems for another day.

Today I want to give a bit of an update. Last spring I ranted about an absolutely awful experience I’d had when applying for a government program. I won’t get into it except to say that it was so stressful I ended up spiraling deep into a flare. I have a hard time letting it go. Thinking about it is too upsetting. That was another day; a dark day.

It took months but I finally built the courage to look into the program one more time. Glad I did because my most recent meetings went very well, and things have started to move forward. Slowly, but moving forward nonetheless.

I’ve met and will be working with two wonderfully supportive, empathetic, strong women. Things are moving forward and I hope to have really great news soon.

That’s for another day, though ….

Today I celebrate because I finally finished typing this and am about to hit publish ?

Gently hugs spoonie friends.

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